


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Available for breedings;

OOC only


Name: Keyne | Pronouns: she/her | Age Range: 20's | Orientation: undecided

Keyne has a long and complicated history, a lot of which involves the tyrant king Indulf. She was the daughter of a high nobleman, once promised to the king when he was still a quiet, submissive prince. They grew up, seeing each other quite often, and were to marry a year or so before he was taken by pirates. A handful of months into Indulf's disappearance, King Indengarde III-- Indulf's father-- released Keyne from the marriage contract and she was then allowed to take her father's place on the council. When Indulf was eventually returned to the kingdom, he had no interest in reinstating the contract. Not that Keyne minded-- she liked her position and she was fairly certain even before he left that the young prince carried a torch for his childhood friend and high guard Wilhelm. When Indulf became king she quickly began to realize that he was in no way the same young man he had left as. With her position on the council, and Indulf's inability to intimidate or bribe her, it was all to easy to see the corruption and lack of regard for the kingdom. There was nothing she could do about it, every political move she attempted failed, and after two failed attempts by assassins to take her life, she took things into her own hands. With her influence and her training from her father she was able to reach the king's bed chambers and run him through with a sword to save the kingdom. She ran afterwards, hoping to seek asylum elsewhere not knowing that the king would survive and come after her with a vengeance. She has been running from him ever since.