Sigrid Darkclaw



4 years, 6 months ago


Name: Sigrid Darkclaw
Species: Hybrid demon (¼ Infernal Fiend, the rest is too mixed to determine)
Sex: Female
Birthdate: July 3
Orientation: Homosexual
Age: 242 (adult)
Base Height: 7'1”
Build: Thin and bony; lanky

Food likes (regular):?
Food likes (treat flavors): ?
Food dislikes: ?
Favorite alcohol: ?
Favorite color: Maroon, Red, Blue
Animals liked best:?
Animals disliked most: ?
Music taste: ?
Skills or Hobbies: Science. So much science, mostly of living beings.
Jobs: Doctor - works in Hell's largest hospital and its laboratories.

Personal details: Sigrid is a very intelligent individual, and passionate about her work. As a doctor, she treats her patients well and makes sure they're comfortable and getting the care they need. But should a particularly interesting patient come in, they should beware – though she won't do anything by force, she will attempt to convince them to...assist in her scientific endeavors. Though depending on what she needs it may not hurt the person, it's best not to take that chance unless you really feel like negotiating that contract and are smart enough to understand it.
Though she does work with patients, her 'main job', if you will, is creating specific sorts of lab-created hybrid demons as super soldiers for Lucifer's army. With the assistance of a necromancer she is capable of fusing human souls and various demon DNA in order to bring life to these creations, housed in special containers until they're ready to be 'born'.
Sigrid is very excited to have been chosen as the head of this project. She actually cares a fair bit about the beings she makes, and considers herself their mother, at least in a way. Though they are educated and told of their purpose, some stray from their destiny (Soren and Miles for example).

Biomancy – A medically useful magical skillset that involves manipulating biological components and processes in order to achieve one's intent. Sigrid mostly uses it in two contexts – first, as a doctor, she uses it to find and diagnose what problems lie within a patient's body and to ensure treatments are effective. Secondly, she uses it in fusing DNA and such to create new creatures, some of them sapient.

Fighting style: Isn't much of a fighter, but her claws can do some damage. As she's somewhat frail compared to most other demons, she would prefer to prepare for any sort of fight in advance and use her intellect to her advantage.

Weapons and armor:None