


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Kiritsubame (切燕)




Ipetamu (sword tsukumogami)


Observant - from years of fighting he became quiet observant about his surrounding.
 Childish - Despite being so old, he still shows a childish innocence, and at times a childish cruelty.  
Easy-going - he is almost always relaxed and is very tolerant, it's a rare sight to see him angry. He tends to ignore his problems.

 Bold - he does not think twice before saying or doing something. sometimes he doesn't even think once.
Obedient - He tends to do what others tell him to do. The only requests he refuses to listen to are the pleads of the criminals on the death roll. He's a total pushover otherwise lol
Indifferent - he has trouble to showing/feeling sympathy for others. His morals are pretty grey.
Humble - most of the time he regards himself as simply a "tool"  
Insecure- He is very insecure about being a just a "tool" and having the "right to become his own person". He always tries to be useful and prove his worth.

Hundreds of years ago, forged by a renowned blacksmith on the request of a small daimyo, the blade that got named Kiritsubame was made. It was a fine, easy to use blade, rumored to have cut a swallow in half midair while they were testing it. The daimyo was delighted and gifted the blade to one of his most loyal retainers. From that moment on, Kiritsubame was taken from one battle to another, used in wars for years, slaying both humans and yokai. In the last one of these battles, Kiritsubame's master was slain and the blade was forgotten on the battlefield in a sea of blood and mountain of corpses for decades. As time passed the sword absorbed the blood and the resentment of the fallen warriors and turned into an evil tsukumogami, that is known as Ipetamu in Ainu legends.

Before long, a clueless and pitiable merchant found and picked the Kiritsubame up, thinking after a bit of cleaning the sword would fetch a good price, but little did he known that the sword would take 26 lives ,his and his family's lives included. The Kiritsubame back then was driven by madness and thirst for blood. He would posses anyone who dared to picked him up and cause tragedies as he passed from master to master. His wrong doings lasted roughly 300 years until one day he crossed paths with a powerful priest that nearly exorcised him.Since he was unable to fully exorcise it, the priest decided to seal the evil blade away instead, and thus began Kiritsubame's roughly 500 years long imprisonment in a wooden box.  After getting nearly exorcised, Kiritsubame for the first time in his life stopped thinking about wanting more blood. For the first time in his live could he think clearly, and for the first time in his life he felt fear.

For the first decades of his imprisonment,day-in-day-out, he was forced to listen to sutras in a temple. After that the priest moved him to a storage, and as time passed he got moved from one storage to another and eventually getting forgotten and abandoned in one of these storages. His uneventful life came to an end when a group of thefts raided the storage and took him with them. Later they sold him away, and after changing owners for few more times, Kiritsubame finally arrived in the Village, where he got released from the box.  After gaining a humanoid form, he started a new life there.

Blood • The sky • Birds • The sound of wind chimes • Blades • Tea

Mud • Priests • Using his ability • People who poorly treat their weapons • Being sealed away

Ability: Possession • Is able to posses and control anyone who removes him from his sheath while in his real form. 

Height: 172 cm / 5'6

• He can't read. Never had to chance to learn it.
• His default expression is a gentle smile.
• He has a strong fear of priests. He would either freeze up in front of them, hiss at them or try to run away.
• He doesn't like thinking about his past. Can't remember the names and the faces of the people he killed and thinks it better off that way.
• His true form is the blade that he carries around. He even uses his true form to execute people with it.
• The red stains, that are on his real form, can't be washed off.
• When sleeping, his human form disappears.
• Likes to give people tips on how to maintain their weapon's properly.