


4 years, 3 months ago


Full name: Sachsarr Vinarone Toxer

Nickname(s): Sachs

Species: Saw-tailed Skorupi

Type: Bug/Dark

Gender: Male

Age: 10

Ability: Battle Armor

Nature: Naughty



- Likes to act like a cool, laid-back guy who doesn't get annoyed easily and has a relaxed view of the world around him

- Actually has a pretty foul temper and once angered about one thing, he'll remain irritated and may lash out at pretty much everything and everyone until the bad mood passes, eventually

- Has little trust in older people, especially if they treat him as *gasp* a kid

- This is, in part, tied to his strong sense of pride and independency; he prefers to do things by himself and himself only because he's mature and responsible and what? He shouldn't be the only one to take care of himself? Jokes on you, he'd done that pretty well already

- Contrary to his display of maturity, he'd been known by his peers as being quite the prankster whose acts of mischief seem to serve more to a particular purpose (be it obtain what he wants, show others who is the 'king' in there or simply take revenge after being wronged) than any actual fun

Physical traits:

- His tail is longer than that of a regular Skorupi -up to 2/3 of his total body and tail length (around 80cm)- and each section is adorned with triangular spikes

- While his tail is his main weapon, the pincers on his head and his partially serrated mouth shouldn't be taken lightly, either. Additionally, there a third set of pincers located inside his mouth and protruding slightly on its corners that can inject a poisonous fluid in the skin of anyone unfortunate enough to be bitten


- He's often seen wearing a red Power band around his neck. While he does take it out at times, Sachs loathes leaving it around lest he loses it, let alone lend the band to anyone else