


4 years, 3 months ago


Original post

Nerissa is a (maybe???) adopted daughter to Ciara and Lucius and would serve as a mischievous little sprite-like being that finds joy in messing with people and causing general chaos. Though her father and mother are both quite cynical, they both have a common adoration for her and support her escapades, whether they’re questionable or not. Her parents are very enabling when it comes to any of her behaviors, which really only leads her to continue to do it even more.

She basically incites arguments and things like that between people and specializes in the things that are considered petty, like jewelry or other personal possessions and social status.

On top of that, she keeps a hoard of things she’s pickpocketed off of people in the times where she’s allowed out (or sneaks out) into the mortal world. Imagine the void where your socks go to disappear in the dryer, but with shiny things; that’s her, though she might steal menial items just for kicks and giggles and to inconvenience people in those small things that drive a person mad.