


7 years, 6 months ago


lizz (my ventsona) before they became all Unstable and formed into lys (so syl is the past version!)

syl is actually physical and not made of like skystuff, the way lys is lmao

they can twist their limbs all the way around (like an owl but with all their body,, it's freaky smh)

also they like to eat living things

sometimes when syl travels they go thru them teleportation portals and sorta dissipate part of their body :0

the chemical composition of their body allows this to happen without any long term effects, which is why it's Pretty Convenient to do this (esp bc it makes it quicker)

however, occasionally chunks of their body gets left behind and they're forced to either go back (which is harder if u don't have 100% energy to do it) or regenerate it, which may take a while,,

side note they don't know how to cut their own hair bc they have no concept of hygiene lmao this time syl went to a friend (hairdresser) to get it cut foreshadowing