Emiko Takahashi



4 years, 3 months ago


emiko takahashi
kAnji 高橋恵美子
romaji Takahashi Emiko
AGE 16
BIRTHDAY October 29
HEIGHT 166 cm
AFFILIATION Kazemai High School
RELATIVES Parents, grandparents
voice actresses
Japanese: Suzuko Mimori
EnglisH: Jill Harris
I feel my courage lying beyond the gentle wind. 

Emiko Takahashi (高橋恵美子, Takahashi Emiko) is a first-year student at Kazemai High School who is also part of the school's kyudo club.


Emiko is a young woman standing at an average height. She has pale skin, reddish-brown eyes and long black hair with its strands kept neat by two gold barettes. She is seen wearing the standard Kazemai High School uniform.


Emiko is outwardly a shy girl who is remarkably modest. While reserved for the most part, she is polite, mellow and courteous to her peers. Although while calm and mature, she often flies into a panic when under pressure, thus jumping to conclusions and making mistakes. There are times where she can be strict with her friends, particularly with her classmate Ryohei, but is well aware of her limits and not to the point of overcontrolling. Her level-headed disposition often makes her the sane person amongst her group's antics, but is quick to loosen up. Her modesty makes her view herself as generic compared to her friends, unable to see what's so special about herself. There are times where Emiko can show a competitive streak, particularly when playing cards, and also showing worry about her weight.

Regardless, Emiko is a kind, pragmatic and caring girl who often looks after the well-beings of her friends and desires on improving herself as both a kyudo archer and a person.


  • Her epithet is "The Humble Archer".
  • Emiko takes inspirations from Riko Izumi from Hanebado, Riko Sakurauchi from Love Live! Sunshine, Mio Akiyama from K-On! and Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
  • Due to her freakishly pale skin-tone, she is often mistaken as a yurei upon first appearance.
  • She has no fear of dogs whatsoever, but is terrified by Bear because of his liking towards her.
  • When not doing archery, she takes nature walks and paints.
  • Emiko absolutely loathes being disturbed from her sleep.
  • She lives in the same neighborhood as Minato and Seiya (around five houses away from the latter.)
  • Emiko is in the same class as Ryohei Yamanouchi.


  • Horror
  • Being disturbed from her sleep
  • Nonsense
  • Bullies
  • Lotus roots

Skills & Abilities

One of her passions, Emiko is extremely dedicated to this sport. She has learned it since the age of five, and spent years mastering the sport with the help of her grandmother, who was also a former successful archer.
Emiko takes pleasure in drawing when not busy. She normally draws sceneries, as she finds them calming and relaxing to draw. 


Emiko was introduced to kyūdo as a young child by her grandmother, Kikuko Takahashi. Since then, she became entranced by the sport and trained to be an archer. However, during her elementary school days, she was ridiculed for being “Miss perfect” and losing her first completion, resulting in her humble yet modest nature. During middle school, Emiko enrolled in an archery club and befriended Minato Narumiya. But unexpectedly, Emiko failed to show up at her first competition, veiling her absence as sickness, although in truth, she had scenic panic and was too scared to participate in it, resulting in a slump.

 Emiko hasn’t been able to improve her archery skills since then, despite advice from her grandmother and her peers, yet she was willing to find anything that she can that would inspire her to take archery again and regain her passion. In one of her first days of Kazemai, she stumbled upon an archery club. She was hesitant at first because of her shyness, but she decided to join, hoping this would help her out of her slump. As she entered the club, she was greeted by Ryohei Yamanouchi, Seiya Takehaya, Nanao Kisaragi, Kaito Onogi, Rika Seo, Noa Shigariku, Yuuna Hanazawa and adviser Tomio Morioka. After joining the Archery Club, she began to grow out of her slump and she eventually regained her passion. During her time in the club, she also meets teacher Masaki Takigawa, and reunites with her old friend Minato Narumiya..

Minato Narumiya | kyudo mate, good friend 
SEIYA TAKEHAYA | good friend, developing relationship
RYOHEI YAMANOUCHI | classmate, friendly relationship
Nanao Kisaragi | friendly relationship
Kaito Onoogi | on good terms, bit problematic 
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