Azoth Stein



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Azo, Azie






Isaak: Adopted father, deceased

Physical Description

Azoth has a slim, nearly skinny build to him that is covered in scars mostly on his arms and chest. His pale blonde hair nearly covers his grey eyes at times and is about chin length most of the time. It's usually unkept and messy. His clothing is usually stained with paint, ink, or any matter of art supplies and not in the best of conditions.


Azoth is very quiet and not the most trusting of people. It takes a while to get him to open up and even then it is hard to dig deeper secrets out of him. It comes from being betrayed by people many times. To friends he is loyal and will do what he can to help if they need it. Even with friends he rarely lets a person very close to his heart, and wary of the trust he places in them. He doesn't smile often, mostly either looking calm or at times amused. To most he seems to withhold his emotions under 'masks' of calm faces as a defense mechanism. Azoth has a fear of sorts towards doctors and doctor offices. It stems from being experimented on as a child, and when he's in those types of areas he's very nervous and looking for quick escape routes. Because of this he only goes to doctors when absolutely needed and tries to make the visit as short as possible. Another figure that Azoth has is Him. He is an almost solid form to Azo's guilt and growing madness that he meets in moments where his hold on his sanity is loose or in his dreams. He is almost like a shadow to Azoth in that while Azoth has good intentions to what he does, the figure doesn't and wishes to pull Azo further into Madness.




His Story

When Azoth was little more than a child the war claimed both his parents, his father from the battle field and his mother from what seemed to be heartbreak. A few months later his older brother Cader had fallen ill and died from an illness. In that time Azoth was sent to an orphanage where he first started to show signs of his magic.

It started innocent enough, a drawing that seemed to move a bit on the page. At that point he was only five years old and while the orphanage took him in once they found out about his gift they sold the young boy to a lab. It was one of the first times Azoth had seen the cruelty of people in full force.

At the lab the tests were painful, often times making him plead out for his parents or just pass out for days at a time. After five years the funding to the project was cut and he was left on the streets to fend for himself. This lead to thieving from food carts or stores. He was caught after a few months and after a short sentencing he was sent away to serve three years at a hard labor camp.

Either by luck or fate he was released to a man named Isaak when he was about 11. What he didn't know was the conditions of his release though found that life with his adopted father was good. He learned to control his gift better while Isaak kept it just between the two of them. For the first time he went to a public school and made a few friends.

His life was shattered at 15 when Isaak committed suicide. This left Azoth mentally shattered in ways along with his gift weakening his state. That was the shove he needed and found a 'family' in a gang as an assassin. He did use his powers to kill, and turned to drugs to deal with everything. By that point a friend of Isaak's had let the boy live there and once the gang's leader was killed Azoth took it as his out of the gang at 16. Since then he has managed to scrape by with odd jobs here and there. Azoth has yet to feel safe enough to settle into a stable home life, going wherever the wind takes him from day to day.