Kimiko Hayashi



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Kimiko Hayashi

More commonly called








Sexuality + Gender Identity

Bisexual + Transgender


Hayashi is one of the camp counsellors at Camp Honeyhouse, assigned to Cabin Group 2. She is a fan favourite counsellor, and majority of the people that attend the camp love them. They have this charming aura that elicits some teens to develop innocent crushes on her. But of course, she acts very humble about all the attention.

Physical Description:
- Has many moles scattered across her body
- Loves pastels and feminine clothing
- Usually never seen without that pink ring on her hand
- They sometimes change the clips on their hair to different colours

Hayashi works at the camp due to her love for working with kids and young teenagers. She hopes to have a family of her own someday, but is a bit inexperienced when it comes to things like love. They quickly become very close with all the people in Cabin 2, and become Naomi and Ellie's ally on their search to find  the missing Cabin Group 4. She assists them in navigating their way throughout the woods with walkie-talkies, a GPS, and will-power. The three do this all in secret of course, in fear of getting in trouble for interfering with the proper investigation.

Hayashi is described as very endearing and kindhearted by most people who know them. She is a hard worker, but tends to not work so well under pressure as they are incredibly anxious most of the time. Because of this, she wears fidget rings almost all the time to calm herself down. They hate it when people worry about them, and constantly reassures people that they're fine when they are seen panicking. But of course, when it comes to other people panicking, she doesn't hesitate to help. She hates it when people fight, and will immediately try to resolve it and calm the people involved down. She hates when people yell, or any loud noises in general, and is never seen at things like work parties due to the loud music they play.

Extra Notes! —
- The "pixie dust" pouch tied around her waist is confetti (it used to be glitter, but she got in trouble one time for spilling everything and making a mess that took ages to clean)
- Used to want to become a children's book illustrator, but that didn't really turn into anything