


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Josette "Joss" Jones, (when she reconnects with her father she learns her true name, Macaroni Argento)




Female (she/her)




tall-ish, shoulder length blonde hair, pale skin, green eyes, 120 lbs, 6'0


Unnamed mother, Unnamed father, Aya Tsuji (aunt)✝, Marian McCree (Phantom Blood ancestor)✝


manipulative, relaxed, lazy, nihilistic, laid-back, sarcastic, narcissist, vain, careless, humorous. She feels guilty everyone who looks after her gets hurt somehow, so she avoids forming relationships at all


Stand User | Unemployed


salty foods, video games, 'cool' clothes, movies, sticky tack, comic books, oolong tea, random trivia


confrontation, being caught, staying in one place too long, home cooked meals, school uniforms


Since she is unemployed, Joss steals just about everything she needs to survive. This includes comic books, cool fashion, and candy. Her stand comes in handy with her thieving habits, when she is caught she exchanges a random limb with her captor and inflicts pain upon her captors limb. The pain reflects it upon whoever caught her and the captor will usually be taken by surprise, this usually distracts them enough and she gets away.


has Pica disorder, is an idiot. the two are unrelated facts



 While abroad in America, Josette's mafioso father fell in love with her mother, but shortly after Josette was born he had to return to Italy. Joss grew up never knowing her father, not that she really cared to. She spent her time doing homework watching cartoons, and playing make-believe, while her mom worked at a magazine as a film critic. After her mother published a scathing review detailing her personal distaste for the movie Animal House (dir John Landis, 1978), a diehard fan attacked her outside her home putting her in a coma for an indefinite amount of time. Because of this, Josette will get extremely upset whenever people mention the actor Jim Belushi. With her mother unable to take care of her and her father MIA, Josette's aunt Aya Tsuji reached out and offered to take her in. Although reluctant to leave her mother, Joss took her offer to move to Japan. Joss enrolled in Budo-Ga Oka middle school, which went fine for a few years. At some point during her high school years, Joss noticed odd things happening around town, but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly...
One day she heard some students bring up Jim Belushi, so she beat the shit out of them. In doing so, she accidentally saved her classmate Hiroki from being bullied. After that, no matter how rudely she treated him, Hiroki always followed her around. Soon after her violent encounter, Joss began seeing a frightening ghost following her around, but she got this weird feeling like it was protecting her somehow.
 As if things weren't strange enough in Morioh, one day Joss returned from school to find Salon Cinderella wrecked. She was about to call out for Aya, but then she heard voices in the other room. She quickly hides and peeks through the opened door. She sees her aunt lying on the floor injured, the dead body of a random man, and a couple of her school mates standing around her, along with some older guy. Suddenly, there is a huge explosion, and Joss is thrown backward. When she is able to get her bearings, Joss rushes into the room but her Aunt is gone, along with those other guys. Thinking that Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi, and Jotaro blew up her sweet Aunt Aya, Joss vows to get revenge on them. In her intense anger, her stand fully materializes and Joss believes she has been blessed with a righteous instrument of vengeance.
Eventually Joss was unable to pay Aya's bills and was evicted. Hiroki offered to let her stay at his house but she refused him because he's a nerd. During her difficult life on the street, she becomes familiar with her Stand and the two become a deadly pair. She slowly plants her seeds of revenge, and is waiting for the perfect time to attack Josuke and his evil friends.

Stand Name- 「 MATERIAL GIRL 」 

Power - D 

Speed -B 

Range - E 

Durability - C 

Precision - A 

Potential - B 

Joss can use her stand to exchange a body part with her opponent. She will use this to rob people, usually switching her hand with someone elses, then reaching into their pocket and taking their wallet, then switching her hand back. Her hand will be holding the wallet. She can kill people by switching a body part or organ with someone, destroying it somehow, then switching back. The main weakness is that when she exchanges a limb with a person, they can easily hurt her while they possess her limb. If she switched her hand with someone, and they took a knife and stabbed into it, she would feel it and be injured and when she switched it back her hand would remain injured. -Each person controls their original body part, and retains feeling in their original body part. -You do not feel your body part being taken and another being put in its place. It's seamless and pretty much initially undetectable. -If Joss uses her limb to pick something up and exchanges the body parts back to the rightful owner, she will still be holding the item. This goes for whoever she switched with as well. Her stand can easily be used against her, so she tries to act quickly. -She can switch any body part. Occasionally her stand will be disobedient and exchange different limbs than she intended, which can lead to problems. Technically her stand has a large range, but becomes more unreliable the further it gets so she aims for extremely close combat.