


7 years, 7 months ago



Name La'Mont
Designer jeibon
Gender Male
Obtainedfrom goddessofdragon for 40$
Significant Other None
Rules None provided
Species Boom Becho

RoleLiving MP3 player


  • He's very small! About 4 inches tall.
  • His Bob Marley cassette tape is his prized possession

He is very self-confident, to the point of being full of himself. Despite this, he can be quickly slammed down to feeling worthless if his owner says something or is upset. He's typically very showoffish and outgoing, and quick to share his opinion on the matter. Warranted or not. Since he's a robot he doesn't often get embarrassed . Any bad memories he just wipes from his mind. Literally, deletes it. However, he does have worries about breaking himself beyond repair. He hasn't managed to yet- and typically Toby is willing to invest in repairing him, even if sometimes when La'mont is particularly difficult and self-endangering that can get pricey. He is very good at communicating- he'll happily tell you anything he wants to say without much regard for shyness. He can write and such too, but mostly its too small for anyone to read anyway. He has a huge ego, and an easily bruised one. Won't make him mad if you offend him though-he'll just pout about it.

His primary goal is in being happy. He generally spends his time making his owner happy, and he feels like that's his job and duty. Further than that he has no real primary objective, its the only one that was programmed into his being. He does have a secondary personal goal of being able to go swimming one day. Its more of a dream, but he tries all sorts of inane attempts at being able to go in the ocean. Most of them end in failure or Toby dragging him back before he ends up frying his circuits with salt water. So far the closest he can manage is toby taking him to the aquarium- by far his favorite place.His motivations are generally in keeping things as nice and wonderful as they are now. He does everything to make himself, and his owner happy. He doesn't like the idea of sitting around waiting happiness to come to him, he strives instead to make every day wonderful on his own.


  • He's afraid of the road. Can only get him to cross it or get him into a car if you tuck him in a bag or something. Or just turn him off. Whatever.
  • Don't touch him with greasy hands or he'll scream
  • May run out of battery and power down, can overheat, can become overcharged, water=death. He can be repaired, however, as long as his motherboard is intact. Because of this of course, he gets very demanding when his battery is low and he'll go out of his way to avoid water as much as possible.
  •  When he runs out of battery he just falls facefirst to the ground wherever he is and seems to go to sleep.Does that weird furby thing right beforehand where his voice gets all warpy.
  • Can only record sounds, can't record any sort of video.
  • Doesn't eat. Well, not supposed to eat, as he can't taste anyway. Does sometimes just because it annoys Toby and hey it looks good. Toby frequently has to open his back hatch to clean it out. 
  • Probably needs to stop browsing the internet, uses too many memes and embarrasses his owner
  • Don't bring up 'upgrading' him. Doesn't appreciate the idea of people poking with his insides to give him 'better' parts.
  • Toby bought other toys to keep La'mont busy once, he seems unable to distinguish them from real people. Spent the next two days crying because 'batman ignored him'.

As a robot, a false life created with artificial intelligence, La'mont remembers his live beginning as a white,sterile humanoid shape, when his computer chip was first inserted into the back of his head and he found life. Confused, and frightened, his sophisticated computerized mind was processing everything done to him. Each model of his 'kind' handmade into a unique creature, he was happy to put in input to things he liked as the artist who pieced together what would become him added to his form and personality. First his skin, and then his features, then his hair and his eyes and his traits. The artist made him who he wanted to be, and gave him his own personality.

This was nice, but it came to an abrupt stop when once he was complete....he was powered off. He recalls nothing of this blackness, this void of nothing. He didn't know he was being packaged and placed on sale with the others like him. he didn't know that many people skipped him over. "Only plays tapes? Who has tapes anymore". He never knew he was put on sale, didn't see Toby's parents staring at him as they pondered buying him for their son. The next thing he knew, he powered back on in the hands of a rather grouchy looking teen on Christmas morning. Their relationship didn't start off great. La'mont was made with this idea that 'hey someone will buy me and they'll love me right away! Thats why they bought me right?" But this was not the case. Stuck with this lame Christmas gift, Toby tried his hardest to be mean to the little thing. But La'mont was programmed to do everything in his power to make his owner happy. So that was what he did. Offering Toby gifts, dancing and making a fool of himself, being there for the grumpy teenage angst-ridden boy. Eventually, it was inevitable they became dear friends and companions, and even when Toby had graduated, and followed his goals of making a bar- La'mont was still there to support him. "You can do it!" All of Toby's late nights pouring over finances and buisiness, La'mont was there to help him sleep..or keep him up with his music and goofy mannerisms.

Seeing Toby succeed-made La'mont happy.

He's a relaxed little guy who lives by the motto of "Don't worry be happy". He spends his days lounging at a local beachside bar, playing the mellow music for the beachgoers and enjoying life. He spends a majority of his time people watching, happy to lean against the outside rails of his home and watch people on the beach as they play and frolic. He secretly dreams of being there one day, able to surf and swim in the waves, but being electronic its just not a possibility. That's okay, he doesn't worry himself too much about it. He's happy just watching the day go past, the sparkling waves and the people enjoying their lives just the same. When the bar closes for the night, he tucks away inside after climbing up to jump down, pulling the protective screens down with him. crawling inside he returns to recharge resting in the little basket he uses as a bed, dreaming of the sea and another day in paradise.

He lives at the bar with his owner, Toby, who's the barista and owner. Toby has a fascination with making his little mp3 player furniture and fitting clothes, and though he can be temperamental its usually La'mont's relaxing music and calming nature that helps keep his owner mellow. La'mont and Toby are good friends, despite being polar opposites. The only thing that gets La'mont flustered is if Toby tries to take him away from the bar- then he tends to get pouty and puffy (Or just start being difficult by running and hiding or clinging to something); which is why Toby leaves him there overnight instead of taking him home.


  • The beach
  • People watching
  • Hearing stories
  • Relaxing

  • Being powered down/battery running out
  • Bad weather
  • Water (messes with his circuits)
  • Being thrown around

Toby Owner/Best friend

La'mont was given to Toby by his parents as a Christmas gift! While they didn't get along at first and Toby thought he was 'lame', they've now long since grown on one another and become very close friends, despite La'mont being an electronic. Toby owns a bar, that La'mont more or less lives at, being a public menace. 

Name relationship

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Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.