odori's Comments


i'm looking to make this little metal girl band of kemonomimis, i think it'd be really charming if he were their manager, i haven't designed them as of right now but they're meant to be very cutesy so the contrast of this sort of gruff guy being their manager is just a funny thought to me, i'd develop his personality and background of course! but i'm not good at coming up with those things quickly so that's just the general concept i have at the moment, thank you for the opportunity! (also hi again!! we traded once!)

Sending him your way, i love your metal girl band of kemonomimis idea! (and hello, nice to see you again!!)

Oh my GOODNESS I'd totally love to use this boy in my My Hero Academia universe!

I'd either make him a vigilante or a Pro-Hero, and his Quirk can be something wolf-related (since he looks more wolfy than cat-like)! Maybe his hero name can be Lycan or something like that! I think he'd get along really well with a few other of my MHA ocs. I'm not sure if I'd make him an American pro-hero or keep his nationality Japanese like in the show. I just know that he'd fit really super well with my other ocs, especially Aluna!