


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Hound dog

Code Name



his floppy ears have been clipped slightly to appear more sleek. Extremely proficient in guns, particularly pistols. Afraid of women and females, but he isn't gay... he goes both ways. He just hasn't met the right woman yet. Severely antisocial and rarely speaks, except when he is with Tybalt. He might have a slight crush on the warrior, but he cannot act on it, for he knows that the knight does not feel the same.

His hair was shaved at one point, and he kept that hairstyle for awhile since leaving the army. After traveling with the knight for some time, it grew a bit long and looks similar to Tybalt's, but its slightly different. His locks are darker, closer to brown and appears dirty at times. He wears a lot of tactical gear. Used to work for the government, but he has since defected. The government has policies that he no longer agrees with, such as hoarding limited resources for only the upper class. Now that he's found Ty, he has sworn himself an enemy of the army and government alike.

His dream is to locate "Haven", a place that his mother told him about from childhood, where grass still grows and real fruit can be eaten. Leon's mother is dead now, but visions of her appear in his mind and he believes they are leading him to find this Haven. On the way there, he and Ty encounter many towns, hideouts, fortresses and futuristic cities that are rampant with crime and lack of resources. Survival is all he knows. He hopes that someday he will reach Haven, settle down in a place he can call home and hopefully find a true love to grow old with.