
4 years, 3 months ago

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Canon Pup. Oni and Dama's first child. Mars was born very small, which wasn't a total surprise to his mother considering her own size when she was younger. "He'll grow up fast" she reassured herself. That didn't happen. Among Dama's children, Mars is for sure the smallest but he doesn't lack character at all. His voice is loud, and when that isn't enough, his actions are even louder. Since he was smaller he needed to find ways to be heard, and surely, he did. As an adult Mars still travels with his father's Warband, fighting alongside toskals he grew up with and happy with that life. He can be convinced to leave for a mate, but will want to keep in contact with certain toskals he grew up with and occasionally check on his parents and siblings. While he never grew horns like his mother thought he would, Mars was given a skull to use as a mask, making that a family tradition at that point. He's no thought any less because of his rank and size and he will make sure to kick anyone that even tries to look down on him.