Chia's Comments

Oh my gosh I used to own this character like 3 years ago that was such a shock to see 😭she even has my old icons still 

Yoooo thats so cool whaaat x,D I am actually trying to give her away if you are ever interested tho hehe

Sadly I don't think I can give her a good home sobs

I mighttt consider that as a trade for the one you offered on but lemme wait for more offers first. Trying to decide where I’d use her too since I’d have to make her fit my stories

Yoo maybe I am still not complete sure but aye I can try hehe If not by artwork I am also able to trade x3 (same with the other fella you like hehe)

If you’re able to offer art I’d definitely take that since I’m not really looking for many new characters rn 

Oop I mean if you wanted to offert artwork xD But not sure, may have to consider that but gonna keep it in mind hehe

I don’t think I will use them as much aa sorryÂ