Satsuki [Dragalia Lost]



4 years, 2 months ago






The heiress to a minor clan in Hinomoto, specializing in Archery. She met Leonidas upon running away from her responsibilities but ends up swearing her allegiance and loyalty to him. As Leonidas burns a path to free the world of the dragons’ tyranny, she soothes the scorched road he leaves behind and pulls him back from the depths of madness.
Leonidas' Beloved Vassal
Icon Type Row Attack.png
Base Rarity
Icon Rarity Row 5.png
Voice Actor (EN)
Voice Actor (JP)
Unit Type
Release Date
September 27, 2018


Leonidas Lord/Beloved

Vestibulum ac neque dui. Fusce eu fringilla justo. Vivamus ut tincidunt ante. Aliquam convallis vitae leo non iaculis.

Curabitur congue sem finibus nibh commodo ornare. Sed tincidunt, risus ut sagittis hendrerit, sem elit finibus orci, vitae convallis turpis nunc vel mi. Ut vulputate quis tellus et tempus.

Ieyasu Friend/Ex-Fiance

Vestibulum ac neque dui. Fusce eu fringilla justo. Vivamus ut tincidunt ante. Aliquam convallis vitae leo non iaculis.

Curabitur congue sem finibus nibh commodo ornare. Sed tincidunt, risus ut sagittis hendrerit, sem elit finibus orci, vitae convallis turpis nunc vel mi. Ut vulputate quis tellus et tempus.

Revalia Mentor/Friend

Upon deciding to harden herself for Leonidas' sake, Satsuki travels around and meets Rev. Obviously standing out as a foreigner, the assassin took pity onto her and began teaching her the way and life of an assassin. Eventually, they become good friends despite their supposed origins.

Botan Friend

Vestibulum ac neque dui. Fusce eu fringilla justo. Vivamus ut tincidunt ante. Aliquam convallis vitae leo non iaculis.

Curabitur congue sem finibus nibh commodo ornare. Sed tincidunt, risus ut sagittis hendrerit, sem elit finibus orci, vitae convallis turpis nunc vel mi. Ut vulputate quis tellus et tempus.

Sazanka Friend

Vestibulum ac neque dui. Fusce eu fringilla justo. Vivamus ut tincidunt ante. Aliquam convallis vitae leo non iaculis.

Curabitur congue sem finibus nibh commodo ornare. Sed tincidunt, risus ut sagittis hendrerit, sem elit finibus orci, vitae convallis turpis nunc vel mi. Ut vulputate quis tellus et tempus.

Addis Friend

Vestibulum ac neque dui. Fusce eu fringilla justo. Vivamus ut tincidunt ante. Aliquam convallis vitae leo non iaculis.

Curabitur congue sem finibus nibh commodo ornare. Sed tincidunt, risus ut sagittis hendrerit, sem elit finibus orci, vitae convallis turpis nunc vel mi. Ut vulputate quis tellus et tempus.

Nobunaga Acquaintance

Vestibulum ac neque dui. Fusce eu fringilla justo. Vivamus ut tincidunt ante. Aliquam convallis vitae leo non iaculis.

Curabitur congue sem finibus nibh commodo ornare. Sed tincidunt, risus ut sagittis hendrerit, sem elit finibus orci, vitae convallis turpis nunc vel mi. Ut vulputate quis tellus et tempus.


Hailing from the sizable House of Yumi in Hinomoto, Satsuki is the eldest heir in the second branch of the clan. As the eldest in the first branch had already committed himself as one of Nobunaga's retainers, the position falls onto Satsuki's unwilling shoulders. Being only a member of the second branch, most of the first branch members would continuously persuade and push their ideals onto her, the biggest two sides being those who focus on the spiritual zen side of the bow (Kyujutsu) and those who focus on the military strenght of the bow (Kyudo). When the two sides pushed too hard, Satsuki breaks down and runs away from her home land, ending up near the border of Valkaheim and bumping into Leonidas. Without anything on her, she begs for his assistance and for his protection, offering her bow and loyalty to him. He tests her, letting most of his guards fight her in a swarm (which she ends up winning by the skin of her teeth) and decides to accept her based on her strength.

A few years go by and soon enough, Leonidas and Satsuki grew comfortable towards one another. As Satsuki has a gentle and understanding (yet firm) temperament, it compliments well against Leonidas' own brash and fierce one. Often times only she could calm him down, being he soothing rainfall and moonlight to his blazing temper. He finds himself relying on her, though he'd never say it out loud, as his principle and pride would forever hold him back. Satsuki, on the other hand, basks in her freedom of choice, of seeing the world through Leonidas' own perspective, of finally standing strong on her own (yet choosing to stand by his side). She stops being completely a silent pushover and like forged steel, her will and determination to stay loyal to the crowned prince remains unbent. She vows to use her bow to protect him from all adversaries, sometimes even from himself.

A Surpise Reunion

Villager: The Empire is attacking! Everybody, run for the woods!
Commanding Officer: Incinerate all who oppose the Empire!
Imperial Soldier: Sir, yes, sir!
Unknown.png You will do no such thing!
Commanding Officer: What?!
1RKNTmy.png I can forgive none who would dismantle the peace of innocents and put their homes to the torch! Now you will know an equal amount of pain and suffering by my hand! Haaaaah!
100001 01 r04.png Princess Fjorm, wait!
100003 01 r04.png Hot damn, that lady is JUICED! Still, it ain't the best idea in the world to go chasin' a pack of imperial soldiers all by yer lonesome.
100004 01 r04.png Especially when that enemy is a master of manipulating fire mana!
100001 01 r04.png We have to help her. Come on!
100002 01 r04.png Hurry, everyone!
1RKNTmy.png Yaaah!
Imperial Soldier: Gaaah!
Commanding Officer: Tsk! You're stronger than you look; clearly we should have brought greater numbers. Fall back, men! Fall back!
1RKNTmy.png Phew... The village is unharmed.
100001 01 r04.png Princess Fjorm, are you all right?
1RKNTmy.png Quite so.
100003 01 r04.png I love yer brass, lady, but yer gonna give us ulcers if ya keep runnin' off like that.
1RKNTmy.png Upon consideration, I may have acted rashly. I apologize for being out of line.
100002 01 r04.png We are more than aware of your strength, Princess Fjorm. However, said strength will be better served by acting in concert with your allies, as opposed to wielding it alone.
1RKNTmy.png I am truly sorry. When I saw the village in danger, I fear the body simply acted without consulting the mind.
100001 01 r04.png Your concern for others is admirable. We'd just like you to show some concern for yourself as well.
1RKNTmy.png I understand.

Village Chief: Blimey, thank you all so much! I thought we was done for, so I did!
100001 01 r04.png Happy to help. Please let us know if there's anything else we can do.
Village Chief: Well, I'm loathe to mention it after all what you did for us, but the Empire set our fields to burn, and we ain't got but crumbs left to eat.
100001 01 r04.png I'll have supplies sent over from the Halidom at once.
Village Chief: Us poor peasants ain't worthy of such charity, Yer Highness!
Children: ......
1RKNTmy.png Yes? Do you need something?
Children: ......
1RKNTmy.png Are you hungry?
Boy: N-no! Um...I mean...
1RKNTmy.png There is no need for such restraint. I have bread enough to share.
Girl: Ooo! Bread!
1RKNTmy.png You must divide this amongst yourselves for now, but we will be sending additional supplies posthaste.
Girl: Thanks, lady!
Boy: Let's eat it over there!
1RKNTmy.png Make certain to share with the others!
100001 01 r04.png Was that your share of the bread Cleo provided us?
1RKNTmy.png Yes. They clearly needed it more than I.
100001 01 r04.png That was very kind of you.
1RKNTmy.png It was nothing. Only one with a heart of stone could bear to watch children go without.
100001 01 r04.png The Empire's really been pushing their assaults lately. I do what I can to protect everyone, but I can't be everywhere at once.
1RKNTmy.png ...My homeland of Nifl fell victim to the cruel fires of Múspell. To see the same manner of strife claim victims here is disheartening.
100001 01 r04.png The Dyrenell Empire has vast portions of this land in disarray. But we are going to change that.
1RKNTmy.png I know that I will return to my home someday. But until that time comes, I would repay you for the kindness you have shown me. Let me fight at your side, Your Highness! Let me help the people of your land in their fight against the Empire! I refuse to stand by while the weak and defenseless suffer so!
100001 01 r04.png We would be honored to have you in our ranks, Fjorm. It will take all of us to forge the peaceful world I desire.
110328 01 r05.png I look forward to fighting with you.

Episode 2 Title Here

Villager: The Feral King is attacking! Everybody, run for the woods!
Dimitri (Why the fuck is he here???): Kill every last one of them!
Foot Soldier: As you command, your majesty!
Unknown.png You will do no such thing!
Commanding Officer: [Surprise Pikachu Face]
100003 01 r04.png Hot damn, that lady is JUICED! Still, it ain't the best idea in the world to go chasin' a Feral King by yerself.
100004 01 r04.png Children. The lot of you. And you still have the guts to complain when my OP alt wipes the floor against you half-brained morons?
100002 01 r04.png Uh-oh, I think Dimitri's gonna kill her--
1RKNTmy.png Yaaah!

Episode 3 Title Here

100001 01 r04.png We would be honored to have you in our ranks, Fjorm. It will take all of us to forge the peaceful world I desire.
110328 01 r05.png I look forward to fighting with you.

Episode 4 Title Here

1RKNTmy.png Upon consideration, I may have acted rashly. I apologize for being out of line.
100002 01 r04.png We are more than aware of your strength, Princess Fjorm. However, said strength will be better served by acting in concert with your allies, as opposed to wielding it alone.
1RKNTmy.png I am truly sorry. When I saw the village in danger, I fear the body simply acted without consulting the mind.
100001 01 r04.png Your concern for others is admirable. We'd just like you to show some concern for yourself as well.

Episode 5 Title Here

1RKNTmy.png It was nothing. Only one with a heart of stone could bear to watch children go without.
100001 01 r04.png The Empire's really been pushing their assaults lately. I do what I can to protect everyone, but I can't be everywhere at once.
1RKNTmy.png ...My homeland of Nifl fell victim to the cruel fires of Múspell. To see the same manner of strife claim victims here is disheartening.
100001 01 r04.png The Dyrenell Empire has vast portions of this land in disarray. But we are going to change that.

Zkt6wsx.pngKyujutsu: The Art of Bow

Deals damage to enemy in a straight line, heals allies from 30% of the damage dealt, and heals burns. Upon landing a critical, grants a regeneration buff that lasts for 10 seconds

O2Q7YdI.pngKyudo: The Strength of the Bow

Fires rapid arrow shots at the target. Grants a 10% strength buff and 5% critical damage buff to all allies. Extends other buffs applied prior to activating the skill to 10 more seconds.

8kziMRg.pngSkill Haste

Increases skill gauge fill rate by 15%. Benefits your whole team.

Chain Co-Ability
Mdp0JaX.png(Water) Combo = 5% Def Buff

If a team member is attuned to Water: an additional 5% is applied for every 20-hit combo. Only stacks up to five times. When combo is broken, it resets. Benefits your whole team.

Roly7dV.pngOath of Fealty

Deals an extra 1.5x damage against flame element enemies. If the enemy is also of a dragon type, damage is further multiplied by 0.5%. When user shapeshifts into a dragon, an additional 10% strength buff is applied while maintaining dragon form. Upon turning back, however, the user is inflicted with a 40% strength and defense debuff for 30 seconds.

81HeX7w.pngHearth and Home

Reduces susceptibility to burns by 100%. When the user is hit by an attack that would have burned them, their skill recovery rate is increased by 15% for 10 seconds. After activating, this buff will not activate again for 15 seconds.

7ZFD5ys.pngA True Shot Never Misses

Using a force strike locks onto the target no matter where they are at. Unit cannot move when force striking the enemy.

On Sortied

Preparations are complete.

Upon Death

Apologies... milord...

On Entering a Room

Upon milord's orders, I shall aid you.

Player Uses a Damaging Skill

Your strength knows no bounds.

When Quest Begins

Shall we begin the mission?
Come, our mission awaits!

When Shape Shifting is Ready

The power... I feel it awakening.
Strength overflows... Its power is ready to be utilized.

Response to Beginning of a Quest

Alright, lead the way.
Yes, let us proceed as planned.

Shape Shifting into a Dragon

Heed my call, dragon!

When Controlling Character in a Quest

I shall help cover ground.

Idle During Quest

Let's not tarry overlong.
A place of respite is rare, rest if you must.

When Receiving a Heal

My thanks for the aid
A second chance, thank you.

Quest Clear

A victorious task, in Prince Leonidas' name!

When Entering a Boss' Room


Quest Failure

My lord... I have failed you...

Response to Entering a Boss' Room


Home Screen Walking


Upon Getting to Low Health


Home Screen Inside


Upon Opening a Chest


Home Screen Portrait


Boss on Low Health


Collection Portrait


Boss Enters a Break State


At the Halidom


Rare Enemy Spawns


When Fully Upgraded Mana Circle
