Nyx ๐ŸŒ’ [50$]



4 years, 6 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer

Basic Info




Quick description : A angel who left Heavens to meet humans but got deceived by some, breaking her trust in both angels and humans. She's an assassin and fights with a big crossbow. She has lightning powers! She's pretty harsh, intimidating, cold and doesn't show mercy to the weak. Most of her friends are demons.


Complete name : Nyx
Nicknames : "Nahgahdinok" ("the Necromancer" in dragonic), "The Witch" (She hates that name)
Species : Angel
Zodiac : Aries
Blood type : A-
Gender : Female
Age : Unknown, but in appearance around 23


Alignement :ย Chaotic Evil
Relationshipsย : TBA
Nationality : None.
Occupations : Assassin / Rogue


Height : Around 1m60
Body :ย Average
Eyes : Yellow
Hair :ย Silver

Nyx is an angel, but she doesn't really look like one : Her once white wings turned a dark gray. Her wings are situated on her lower back, just at the level of her hips. She can fly with those. She has long straight silver hair, with a bare forehead, even if sometimes, some strands of hair gets in her eyes. She has a braid on her right side but sometimes like to change hairstyle and let her hair down. She also has smaller wings on her head, which are the same color as her hair. She has pointy ears, and wears multiple black or silver earrings. She has two lip rings on her lower lip, making her look like she has fangs (she has fangs too though).

Her eyes are yellow, with a 4-pointed star shaped pupil and light, showing her angelic nature. Though she tries to hide her attributes as much as she can. She always wear a hood on her head, covering her head wings, and uses her magic to make her halo disappear. Her halo, after leaving heaven changed in appearance and turned black, and made of 4-pointed stars. She pretends she's a harpy because of her wings and uses them to fly. She has multiple tattoos on her body, her main one is a "collar" of 4-pointed black stars around her neck. She also has a cross just above her breasts. Her nails are black colored.

She likes wearing comfy clothes that are also practical, so she can move without being annoyed. She often wears a long coat with a hood, with a fur inside so she stays warm during winter.


Primary elements :ย Fire (X) | Water (X) | Earth (X) | Wind (X) | Thunder (Main) | Light (Low) | Shadow (Low)

Thunderย : Thunder arrow | Summon lightning
Light : Exorcise
Shadow : Night vision


Favorite food : Meat (including human one...)
Fears : Failing, not being strong enough, big insects
Wants toย : Travel | Live comfortably | Being alone | Staying free

Likes :ย Knives, tricking people, earning money, going on adventures, discovering new places, the fresh air of the night (she likes flying at night), stargazing, being free
Dislikes :ย Pushy people, weak people, seeing her work not paying off, cold weather, rules, having to rely on someone


Pretty harsh and intimidating, Nyx isn't a pushover... Far from it. She has confidence in herself and her skills and doesn't rely on anyone to do her work. She's pretty independant and wants to stay free : She hates having to watch over people who are weaker than her and who are slowing her down. She's proud and won't stay quiet if someone belittle her or talks behind her back.

She tries her best to keep a low profile everywhere she goes and she's actually pretty good at blending in. Even in the middle of a street in the bright light of day, you won't see her stealing your wallet... Kinda. Even if she's an angel, she's far from being nice and she actually get along better with demons, who like her too (Most of her friends are demons).