Second Chance



4 years, 3 months ago


NameSecond Chance
Basic Info 

Cunning. Deceitful. Determined.
"Oh, so you have like, no friends?"

Chance was my very first d&d character. She is a Tabaxi Rogue who used to follow Cyric, God of Trickery. However, after becoming close with her party, she decided to turn against him and forge her own path to greatness.

  • She is not fond of the gods.
  • Her ears flick whenever she is distracted by something.
  • Her name used to be Thrill of Life, but ignores anyone who calls her that.
  • Tends to lie even to allies and close friends.
  • One of her biggest life regrets is letting her sister die.
  • Does not trust others easily.
  • She is not great at acting.
  • Prefers to bottle up thoughts/emotions.
  • Stealing for fun
  • Money
  • Nighttime
  • Causing trouble
  • Being polite
  • Rules
  • Boring people
  • Waiting around
Fur color Dark purple
Eye color Gold
Pattern Spotted (leopard)
Scars None
Height 6'1"
build Lean
Weight 180lbs
clothing style dark colors
Design Notes
  • She is based on a leopard (panther).
  • Unless specified otherwise, she must be drawn with her bone mask.
  • Her spots are not in a specific order/pattern.
  • Any expression is okay.
  • Her fur is not extremely fluffy.
Second Chance was first known as Thrill Of Life, or Thrill for short. The first couple of years of her life were pretty standard, she lived with her family in the city of Waterdeep. Her father was a fisherman and her mother was a music tutor. When Thrill was 7, things took a turn for the worst. It was no secret that her father gambled in his free time, but this time he had risked too much. He owed too much to one of the local families, and there was no way to get the money back. To send a message to everyone else in the city, the head of the family had Bronze and Silent killed. After her parents were killed, Thrill and her siblings had no way to support themselves. Eventually, they found their way to the city of Skullport, desperate for any money they could get. It wasn’t long before the siblings turned against each other, every Tabaxi for themself. Time disappeared one day; Thrill had no idea he had become a thief until he stole a piece of bread from right in front of her. Snow had no natural skills in thievery and lacked charisma, so she turned to beggary. Unfortunately, Snow died on the streets. Misty was quite cruel, so she quickly fell in with shady figures. Now, she makes her way around the land killing for pay. Thrill was not quite sure where to start, but found it quite easy to steal things. For a couple of years, she stole what she could and lived in the shadows; nimble fingers and a quick wit kept her alive. All was well until the fateful day she tried to steal from the wrong person. An elf with a strange symbol on his necklace looked like a potentially rich target. Approaching quietly, Thrill tried to pick his pockets. The elf however, was not stupid. It was his first intention to simply kill the young Tabaxi, but he changed his mind when he saw her potential. After catching her trying to rob him, the elf made an offer. He introduced himself as Syltoris, a cleric of Cyric. Syltoris offered Thrill a place in their church; in return for food and a place to sleep, Thrill would become an agent of Cyric. Thrill eagerly accepted, it was an opportunity to become something greater than some common thief. Syltoris took her to their sanctuary, a dark place tucked deep in Skullport. Syltoris explained that the worshippers of Cyric were particularly powerful here because of Mount Waterdeep above the city, the place where Cyric ascended. For a few years, Thrill studied thievery and the ways of Cyric in the sanctuary. When Thrill was 19, she decided to move on from Skullport and work towards becoming a master thief— all in the name of Cyric of course. She found her way back to Waterdeep, stealing what she wanted and making money until she found a company. In one of the many taverns, a company of adventurers were planning to explore an old crypt. Sensing an opportunity to make quite a bit of gold, Thrill introduced herself. It wasn’t long before she talked her way into the company, and they soon left for the crypt. One of the company members was another Tabaxi named Namiryu. Namiryu told Thrill that they were raised by dragons and didn’t know common, so Thrill took it upon herself to teach the Tabaxi Druid common. The crypt raid went fairly well, and the company decided to travel around together— until disaster struck. While traveling on the road, the company was attacked by a group of Fire Wolves. The wolves slaughtered the company, and Thrill was no fighter. Fearing for her own safety, Thrill ran away. In shame, Thrill of Life changed her name to Second Chance. From there, Chance traveled around by herself, stealing where she could. She heard of a town with some potentially good targets. On the way, Chance met up with Namiryu once again. She was shocked that they survived the attack, but grateful nonetheless. Traveling with Namiryu was a Tiefling fighter named Brynja. The three of them decided to head to this town together, and that’s where the story begins.
After joining up with her current party, Chance has gone on some crazy adventures. The party consisted of Brynja the Tiefling fighter/bloodhunter, Namiryu the Tabaxi druid/cleric, Cear the Lizardfolk bard/wizard, and Gwen the Aasimar warlock. On Earth Plane, the group accidentally stumbled upon a cult who planned on releasing a Terrasque on the plane. After placing the plane in a stasis, the party escaped with a drow man named Dunin. The group traveled to Igilles, a nearby plane that had completely frozen over. While there, Chance stole an artifact called the "Dragon Orb" which can contain a soul. While in Snow Village #2, the group became friends with a man named Utarr. Utarr told them that he recruited adventurers and brought them to his cousins' forge. The dwarves working there told the party about a Cryophoenix that had been terrorizing them for quite some time. Chance and the party agreed to go scare it off, but while doing so, Utarr suddenly turned against them. At that time, Cyric told Chance to poison Utarr so that he could possess his body. After Cyric took his vessel, the party decided to travel through the astral sea and stop his plan of taking over part of this realm. Of course the party did not know of her involvement, so Chance went along with it. After this plane, the party went to Aexilles. However, before they were able to land, their ship was struck down. Chance and the remaining party members tried to find Dunin and Brynja, but they were attacked by a Tiefling man named Nagrom. They were able to escape to a capital city just barely, but there they were able to find Dunin and Brynja. 
Chance plans to continue working with Varlas as the two work towards amassing the largest collection of rare items in the astral sea. 
Former Deity
Chance's former deity; the god of trickery and lies asked too much of Chance. Fed up with his treatment of her, Chance locked him away in Hell.

Business Partner
Varlas, one of the demon lords of Myrian, has struck a business deal with Chance: Chance steals for Varlas, and in return she gets access to Varlas' collection.

"It's Complicated"
Nagrom is the brother of Brynja, one of Chance's teammates. For a short time, Nagrom and Chance had a budding relationship. Now, as the two have gone down separate paths, it is unclear what lies in their future.

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Teeth (Part 47)- 

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Pumpkin Song PMV-

Cabinet Man (Part 9)- 

Forget About What I Said (Part 11)- 

Photograph (Part 26)-

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