


4 years, 6 months ago


Name - Twinkle

Gender - female

Pet or Stray? - Pet

Collar - a light blue


Weird Habit:

As dusk turns to night, Twinkle hid in her den the breeder had made her just outside of the house, under a huge oak tree. She laid her ears back and stayed low. It was coming, and it would arrive soon. Maybe it wasn’t coming for her? Her guess it was coming for the moon, but she joined it in it’s nightly routine and it has become a habit. She looked up at the twinkling stars that shone so bright right around the moon. Something howled in the distance. It’s here, she thought. She slowly came out of her den, crouching low and keeping her ears back; she also kept her tail in between her legs. The dog-like creature stood up on a rock and howled it’s head to the moon. She raised her head and howled, or rather meowed at the moon. When she left and came to the shelter, she can still hear it’s howls in the wind. She’ll sit at the window and meow at the moon. She wants to honour the dog, as you never know, she might meet it again...