Aria Nguyen



4 years, 6 months ago



Huệ Aria Nguyen
Huệ Nguyen, electr0hue, Operator
5" / 152.4cm
July 8th
Professional gamer / E-sports gamer, white hat hacker
Collecting marbles, disassembling and reassembling electronics
Fighting games, strong winds, cold rooms, efficient coding.
Large gatherings, sticky keys, fizzy drinks, inefficient coding.
Power Source
Winds - Electricity
Other Information
Hữu Nguyen(Father), Thanh Phan(Mother), Liên Nguyen(Aunt), An Nguyen(Younger sister), Binh Nguyen(Older brother), Bian Nguyen(Older sister)
Typing speed is at 150 words per minute.
Easily irritated in warm temperatures.
Everything has a reason, or a purpose, even if it's stupid.
― Aria Nguyen

As the co-leader of Dusk Chasers, Aria Nguyen works behind the scenes most of the time and offers support through her skills in hacking and her abilities of wind and lightning. Like harsh winds, she'll chill you to the bone with her icy glare, and like scorching lightning, she'll strike your weakpoints without a second thought. Her tough personality and straightforward way of speaking won't hold back what she needs to say, and she's unwilling to yield to anything that comes her way. The stubborness of the one called "Operator" is what allows failure to cease to exist.


Aria has two colours of her hair; a cyan-tinted blue on the front and a shade of jet black on the back. Her eyes are a harsh light blue with purple tints, resembling a blue sky. She wears her hair in pigtails. Though her hair is straight, the ends of her hair resemble clouds when she activates her abilities. Below her right eye are two moles lined up vertically, exactly the same size as each other.

Aria is a chubby individual who often wears large sweaters and long skirts to maximize her comfort, not caring about her fashion sense as long as its sensible and comfortable. She often wears leggings underneath any sort of bottoms, including jeans and shorts. Her height is the shortest amongst the Dusk Chasers, being exactly 5 feet tall. Though she has no qualms about her height, she dislikes it when taller people use her height as an insult.

When she is her electr0hue persona at gaming events, she wears a visor over her eyes that covers her moles as well. The visor has LED built in, using animation to show her eyes' emotions. Her clothing usually consists of colourful space-themed leggings with black shorts and a t-shirt of her gamer tag in a stylish design, with fingerless gloves that help her avoid issues with her wrists while gaming. She also dons a long brown wig with a single ponytail, to further conceal her identity.


Aria is considered to be harsh and appears as if she constantly frowns or is in a bad mood. She generally dislikes speaking to people, not out of dislike for people themselves but rather she finds it tiring to speak and prefers to text, which causes her to write long paragraphs just to get her voice across in certain circumstances. While talking to people, Aria tries to get her point across and rarely likes using vague language.

Aria cares deeply for the people she cares about, but she shows her affections and her concerns in a direct fashion. As a result, it might come across as cross or angry, but in reality she shows genuine care and makes attempts to do good by the people she cares about. However, she treats nearly everyone the same regardless of personal connections aside from her closest friends and family, treating everyone with equal amounts of respect and concern unless she believes, beyond doubt, that they do not deserve it.


Huệ Nguyen, also known as Aria Nguyen is the 3rd child of Hữu Nguyen and Thanh Phan, born in Ottawa. Unlike her more social siblings, Aria spent a majourity of her childhood clinging to her father or playing with toys on her own. She didn't dislike being around people, but always preferred quieter spaces and doing things on her own. That was how Aria began her fascination with digital technology and video games, as she would play with her parents' consoles and experiment with the family computer. Her father would encourage her, sitting down with her and sharing his electronics and teaching Aria different components of the computer and how digital media works. Thanh would also encourage her curiosity by playing games with her and spending time with her, and soon her elder siblings joined in. Though Aria remained the quiet and unspoken child, her family saw her curiosity and desire to learn more about digital tech, and though there was minor teasing about it, they never made her feel bad for it. This caused Aria to slowly gain an interesting in programming, hacking and video gaming...and after a while, spending time in online communities and video games, as well as joining local tournaments, she slowly gained fame and popularity despite having a low profile on all social media and keeping her identity underwraps. As to why she does this, she just prefers to not have attention focused on her.

One day, while Aria's aunt Liên was visiting, Liên saw Aria's hair meld into the shapes of clouds while playing with electronics. She accidentally startled Aria, feeling a strong gust of wind suddenly slap her face. Aria didn't understand what was happening, electric currents and winds slowly swirling around Aria from fear. For the first time, the unemotional young child expressed absolute fear from her environment. Liên managed to calm down Aria, and showed the young Aria that she too shared her powers. "People like us can't help but be close to the sky, little one." She spoke calmly, and helped Aria keep her powers a secret.

Soon after Liên left, after helping Aria and giving her contact information, Aria met the new neighbours; the Baquiran family. As a result, she met Angelo and Jasper. It took some time, but then they became good friends and Aria considered both Angelo and Jasper, nicknamed Quartz, as family. However, after Angelo passed away, Aria and Quartz were slightly distant before sticking together long enough to trust each other with what happened. Since then, Aria and Quartz became each other confidants.

Despite everything, it turned out that Aria had an uncommon behavioural trait; she did not speak until she turned 5. Communication came in hand signals and written language before she joined kindergarden. She also acted differently towards people outside the family; she pretended to be similar to her siblings, who were more outgoing and people-pleasers. Eventually, she dropped this behaviour around Angelo and Quartz, but only to them. This stopped sometime in high school, when she ultimately had her more harsh and direct way of speaking and acting instead of pretending to be patient.



Wind Generation

Aria can create air currents and redirect winds temporarily to her liking. She can use her own breath as a base for an air current and create momentum with enough force and time. She can use this ability to move around in the air, mimicking the act of flight without needing to move much. Using this ability causes her hair to mimic the shape of clouds.

Electricity Generation

The tips of Aria's fingertips can generate electricity. Aria can charge up this energy and release it when needed. When mixed with her wind generation abilities, she can cause storm-like phenomena. However, storing too much energy causes a large backfire in the form of a sudden release of electrocity and stunning Aria for at least a minute.


Jasper Baquiran

Aria's childhood best friend since kindergarten along with Angelo Joshua Baquiran. Quartz encouraged her hobbies and often indulged in her interests, causing her to open up to him over time and trust him deeply. She also knows sides of Quartz that he rarely shows to the others, but acts as a confidant due to their history together.

Jay Angorro-Hoffmann

Aria finds Jay to be a bit of a coward at times, knowing that Jay doesn't like to speak out against the others despite having no trouble doing that to strangers. She finds himself saying what Jay wants to say for him, which tires her out at times.

Gyeon-jeon Park

Aria finds a good friendship in Gyeon-jeon, who shares her love of fighting games. However, they constantly have arguments on whether or not Smash Bros is a party game or a fighting game, and would spend hours competing against each other in these fighting games. Still, their rivalry is a strong bond that can't be broken.

Charlotte Delgado

Though difficult to admit, Aria had a crush on Charlotte in high school that faded away the more they hung out and fought together. Though her romantic feelings for Charlotte faded away, she managed to create a solid friendship with her in video games and singing. The two of them enjoy each other's company, and act as foils to each other at times.

Sora Kageuchi

Unlike Quartz, Aria has no patience of Sora and often refuses to work with them due to their conflicting personalities. Like oil and water, they fight constantly and some wonder why they bother to be friends. Despite everything, they fight for each other and don't wish harm on either person.

Aria's family, the Nguyens

Aria loves her family and regards them with respect. Like with others, she and her family argue together a lot, but in the end there's nothing Aria wouldn't do for her family if it meant that they were happy and healthy. She has a strong sense of family due to her upbringing, but does not talk about her family history with people.


  • Aria's gamer tag, electr0hue, makes reference to her Vietnamese name "Huệ."
  • It's hinted and later revealed that Ghalen created the visor that she wears to gaming events.
  • Prior to acquiring a visor, Aria would come to gaming events with different assortment of masks that covered her entire face.
  • Aria attempted to dye her hair, but it only resulted in her hair having two different colours instead of the one hair colour she wanted. Why this is the case, we may never know.
  • It's hinted that Aria's powers come from her connection to electronics as well as being mixed with the extreme stress, and that her closeness with Liên may have influenced the elements to grant Aria her abilities. Though this is one of many ways to obtain powers, Aria's is special in that her powers are of a hybrid nature.