
4 years, 3 months ago


...what is this feeling..?
6'11" (Really 2ft or so)
(Shiny) Hatterene
lotsa value
  • Levi
  • herself, she loves herself
  • candies
  • flowers
  • Yelling, or any loud noise in general
  • crowds
  • Big pokemon (she may be 'tall' but not tall tall)
  • p e o p l e 

Harumi is a very odd individual, an odd individual who favors peace and quiet. She's not opposed to shutting people up with a swift brutal swing to the face. Harumi, before being forced to live in the living quarters of Lycoris Radiata, used to live by herself in the forests nearby Ailentis. But being injected with the blood of a legendary, and being forced to go to the organization, it's caused Harumi's peace and quiet to completely disappear. It's put her in quite the sour mood now. It's undetermined if woodland disappearances are because of her, and it really cant be determined now because she'd not tell a soul anyways.

Getting to her personality though,
much can be implied from what's previously said, she's a very curious figure who has preferences that no longer can be made. So because of that, Harumi is pretty angry the majority of the time, you can't blame her. Hatterenes naturally prefer silence, and as a Hatterene, it's what she craves daily. She misses her old life, hating the fact she's been forced into becoming a guardian, and her constant sour, angry mood reflects as much.

Harumi, through her own solitude, also has difficulties interacting with others. She acts harshly, for the most part, saying very little. But in those little bits of words, she does speak, they are always laced with anger and annoyance. It's best one tries to stay on her good side, and even that's hard because she overall despises people in general. Even so, there is a little part of her that is inexperienced in many aspects, one of those aspects being strangely enough- love. Harumi is most definitely one to get flustered, especially right in front of her first-ever crush. She is embarrassed over her own newly found feelings, so she is quick to deny them. But ah yes, it's clear to see she's a big lovely liar.

An interesting quirk to Harumi is, strangely enough, her major amount of self-confidence and self-love. Seriously, Harumi likes making herself look pretty not for other people- because people have never seen her before- but for herself. She's very happy to be pretty, to adorn herself in pretty clothing, and to overall be happy about herself. It's clear that eventually, though her very... rough personality, the more people see her the more people will most definitely agree with her thoughts about her outward appearance. Though really, does she care about what other people think..? Not at all!

  • Harumi is quite strong, surprisingly. She'd only use this strength when it's needed.
  • Harumi mainly uses the appendages on her hat as arms and hands, due to her arms being.. very... short. They're shorter than her kimono sleeves, definitely, so yeah, not really useful.
  • She really likes Levi, he is her first crush, and after their first encounter, she just can't help but.. not talk to him but watch him. She's not good at talking to people she's in love with, huh?
  • Harumi cannot stand her team sometimes. She can't stand anybody, really, other than that certain gardevoir fellow. Perhaps eventually, she'll make friends.

Love interest



Harumi really likes this guy even though she doesn't know a lot about him. Ends up going to the cafe he works at often because of that.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.



Character Name

Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.