


7 years, 11 months ago



According to old tales, these Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died while lost in the forest. 

 Name  Suyin
 PKMN  Phantump
 Pokédex  #708
 Type  Ghost/Grass
 Ability  Natural Cure
 Orientation ?????
 Gender  Female
 Age  12
 Height 4'10
 BOD Aug 31st
 Weight 90lbs





Sp Atk

Sp Def



Giga Drain deals damage and the user will recover 50% of the HP drained.

Curse Ghost

Curse is a unique move that works differently for Ghost-type Pokémon than other Pokémon.

Phantom ForceGhost

Phantom Force causes the user to disappear on the first turn, becoming invulnerable to most attacks. On the second turn, it deals damage and can hit Pokémon using Protect or Detect.

Psychic Psychic

Psychic deals damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.










Quiet|Observant|Doubtful|Protective/Territorial| Indifferent|Isolated|Shy|Naive

Suyin is always in suspicion when she meets someone new, she needs to be able to get a reading/ good feel about the person before she opens up and shows a more happy and cheerful side of her. Though she does get lonely, and at least tries to give people the benefit of the doubt and socialize when she thinks someone is good.


Suyin's life was seen as a disappointment when she was born. Her parents wanted their firstborn to be a son, Suyin's father Hiroshi would have dropped her into the river if it weren't for his wife Ai. She wanted a child to love and hold, even if it wasn't what the gender they wanted. Suyin grew into a healthy little Charmander, her mother teaching her early on how to be a proper bride, but she was not permitted to leave the house and if there was company over she was to stay in her room. Though Suyin was happy to spend time with her family she never knew what she did wrong to be stuck at home. She had no idea that they thought she was a misfortune by the gods.

Suyin's life changed when she was 8, the time her mother had gotten pregnant. Both her parents were happy with this news, and it had been some time before they tried again... due to Suyin. She was happy that she was going to get a little brother or sister to play with, instead of on focusing on her studies and duties. When the time came, Ai gave birth to 2 baby boys it left her bedridden for months and nearly died from giving birth. Weeks after them being born Hiroshi took this opportunity to be rid of Suyin, Ai wouldn't be able to protest or stop him from he had planned for this... embarrassment.

The 'Incident'

It was a huge surprise to Suyin that her father wanted to spend some quality time with her, but she wasn't going to refuse this rare occasion. They went for a small hike/walk into the forest, made some good small talk getting to know each other better, it was all Su really wanted. When Su began to get tired of walking her father suggested her to take a seat on a stump to rest her little feet, and he proceeded to go scavenge for some berries. Hiroshi never came back.

It took the poor little Charmander some time to realize that she had been left behind, on purpose. Clutching her Teddiursa plushie for comfort she then began to cry, not knowing her way home, not knowing why she was left behind. Her dad hated her that much? Her mom to? After some time she tried to adventure her way home, maybe this was some sort of test, yeah. She would earn their respect by making her way back home and proving herself as worthy of them. But things didn't go according to plan, days and even weeks went by and there was still no luck. Eating berries and roots (that she didn't know whether they were safe or not) trying to keep herself alive, weakly leaning up against another stump, holding her tail close the flame being very weak about to go out.. and starving for some real food. In her last moments she cried, ever wondering why she was put on this earth in the first place, suddenly feeling tired she closed her eyes. It's a mystery what she died from first.. her tail going out or dying of starvation.



Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

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