+ M i e k o



4 years, 4 months ago


M i e k o

Female . 💫


small . strong . creative

 "Oh no.. not again.."


 Species: Pegasus
 Height: smaller than normal ponies.
 Sexual Orientation: lesbian
 Relationship: taken
 Personality: tough, energetic, competitive 
 Friends: Everest
 Fears: losing the pony she loves the most.
 Theme: Link a song


  • Likes to create and experiment with new things 
  • Loves pancakes and chips
  • Loves art and creating new things 


  • Hates to be alone
  • Doesn't like to show affection
  • Hates to have hair down
  • Hates to have help from others


When Mieko was a filly, she loved to build, paint and make new things. She lived with her parents, in Cloudsdale. Her father was a professional racing pony with hundreds of gold rewards and prices, he wasn't a Wonderbolt, like little Mieko tought he was, and she was proud of him, and wishes she was just like him. Her mother was a retired Olympic cloud diver, like they used to call it. They both were so excited to see Mieko grow as a professional flier, and possibly even a Wonderbolt. But things started to go a different path when Mieko lost one of her legs on a terrible accident. She wasn't able to walk for several months, and was on rehabilitation to learn how to walk again, but with only 3 legs. After a while Mieko was finally ready to walk again with her parents beside her. She was ready to fly and be a professional flier, like her mom and dad. But problems just keep getting worse, and this time, Mieko would have to change plans for her future. Mieko got into a flying accident, when she was practicing, one of her rivals pushed her and she crashed in a spine bush. This damaged permanently her wings. Doctors had to cut part of her feathers, and now she had only 3 legs, and can't fly.

Her parents where very sad, and wanted to help her but didn't succeed. After some time, Mieko's parents decided to take Mieko to her aunts house, since she could not fly this will be a better place for her, or that's what her parents tought.

Mieko moved to her aunts house, she didn't like it at all, but she had to get used to it since she was going to live there the rest of her life. 

Once Mieko was older, she started to go to school, she loved it but didn't make new friends, only one, and that pony was Everest.

They met in school and they where inseparable, always together, day and night, to eventually grow older together, and become adventurous.