


4 years, 3 months ago


My character in this group: https://www.deviantart.com/bloodcurse-cat-rp

『As good old Ember always said: Why be  upset about things you can’t change anymore, when you can be happy about  all the good things happening right at this very moment?』
『The Spirits will watch over you, always.』
『Earth  Spirit, please take this little warrior in your empire and watch over  them.』

Name: Koi

Origin of name: It’s the name of the fish swimming in the pond of his mother’s home. Or at least she thinks so, because her furless always yelled something like “Don’t touch the Koi’s!” when she tried hunting them.

Former names: /

Starting-Age: 29 moons

RP-Age: 36 moons (last edited: 17. January 2021)

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Pansexual

Clan: /

Rank: Loner


Only to himself and maybe to his closest friends.

He doesn't believes in StarClan, but in the Spirits.

Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

Breed: Peterbald-Mix


- Mother: Coco (Peterbald-Mix, house cat)

- Father: Patch (Mix, loner)

- Siblings: Pepper, Ash, Tiger (though he doesn't know if they still go by these names)

Crush/mate: He had many crushes in his life, but none wanted to be his mate yet.

Bloodline: House cat/Kittypet x Loner (even though he was born as a kittypet, he hasn't received a vaccination)

Appearance: Koi is a tall and lanky tom with short fur and a long thin tail. His fur is tortoiseshell colored and his eyes are blue. His gait always looks rather elegant, even by movements he previously has never done.


Agility 10/10

Stamina 9/10

Speed 8/10

Stealth 6/10

Strength 3/10

Defense 2/10

Swimming 2/10

Hunting 5/10 (learning and getting better at the moment)

Fishing 1/10

Favourite things:

- talking with his friends and making new ones

- sunshine

- water (even if he can't really swim)

- running

- climbing

Least favourite things:

- killing really anything

- violence

- unfriendliness

- cold

- seeing others upset

Positive personality traits:

- helpful

- friendly

- cheerful

Neutral personality traits:

- curious

- courages

- unaggressive

Negative personality traits:

- impulsive

- passive

- lazy


Koi has most of the time a really good mood and lives a care free life. You will nearly never see him without a smile or at least a happy expression. He likes to chat with his housecat and loner friends and relax with them in the sun a little. If one of them has any problems he tries to help solving them as best as he can. He doesn't really has any fears and stays calm even in stressful situations.

The colorful tom is really curious and loves to learn about new things and how different the cultures between cats can be. Because of that he is really open minded to the lifestyle of others.


Koi was born to his mother Coco together with his three siblings, though he doesn't remembers them that much anymore and they have probably changed a lot since he left them. They have only seen their father once on their first tour outside their furless' house.

When the four kittens were old enough they became their own families and with that left their mother.

Even though he missed his family his new home was really nice. He loved his new owners and the furless would play often with him. After a while though they also took a dog in, who didn't really liked him. The dog was chasing him through the house every time he would see the little cat. It was stressing him out and he began hiding nearly the whole day and would only eat something when the dog was asleep. Noticing that his  furless had to make a decision, keep him or the dog. Soon after they were trying to coax him into a tiny box and what could he say, it had worked. He didn't knew were they had brought him but moments later he found himself behind lattice bars, he never saw his furless again.

An old she-cat, named Ember, noticed the young cat that was always waiting in front of the lattice bars and took him in. Koi became friends with her rather quickly and still sees her as a role model. She cheered him up and teached him to be optimistic about life and enjoying it all the way through, even if things were looking rather dark at the moment.
They always slept next to each other and every time before they slept Ember would tell him stories about the Spirits which were looking over them, taking care of them. He enjoyed those stories really much and found them plausible. Soon he knew all the stories through and through.

One day, furless came into the shelter he was in searching for a cat and chose him. He knew Ember probably wouldn't get out of the shelter anymore, there weren't many furless who would take an old cat in, so he sayed his goodbye to her and was taken to his new home. Though he soon noticed that the life of a house cat wasn't the right one for him anymore, so as soon as he saw a way out of the house he walked away and doesn't regrets his decision.

Since this day on, he began living his life as a loner, though since he can't hunt he often goes to furless to get food still. They all think he is their unofficial outside cat which he finds rather hilarious, since he is his own owner now. Though through this he has already gotten all kinds of different names, his favorite being Nacho. He didn't know what that name meant but he liked the sound of it. For other cats he'll still stay Koi, because he likes this name and it is his only remnant of his mother.

From other cats around the furlessplace he had often heared stories about the Clans living nearby and those made him really curious. He wants to meet this cats who seem so serious all the time and maybe lift a bit of their worries from their shoulders. They also seemed to have an interesting religion, which he wanted to learn more about. He often walks around their borders, hoping to see one  of them and sometimes the silly thought of maybe joining one of them, even if it might be for a small period of time, come to his mind.

Hopes and aspirations: His only hopes are for others to be as happy and carefree as he is and hopes he can help at least some cats to this state, like Ember had helped him all those moons ago. Though a great wish of his is to be invited into the empire of the Sky Spirits after he died.

Secrets: He doesn't has any secrets. He only keeps the once his friends tell him and keeps them safe for them.

He believes in the Spirits. The Earth Spirit, the River Spirit, the Sky Spirits, the Spirit of Fire and the Spirit of Illness.

The Earth Spirit is a she-cat, who is taking the body and souls of dead creatures in her empire. She is deciding if they are worthy to stay in the Empire of Earth, River or Sky or if they are given to the Spirit of Fire. She is a calm spirit the most of the time, but if she gets angered then the whole ground is shaking keeping no one save from her wrath. Her coat can be described as an earthy brown.

The River Spirit is a tom, who is supplying the spirits and creatures with life. His water takes long journeys to the sky, back down to the earth and ends up in the River Spirits empire again to go through the same circle again. He can invite the souls of dead creatures into his empire after they arrived in the Earth Spirits empire, if he deems them worthy enough. He can be calm but also rather chaotic on another place. Sometimes he will take creatures to death before the Earth Spirit gets them, which often happens when he is in a bad mood and his waters get rather stormy. His coat can be described as light grey, though some even tell that he has a silver pelt.

The Sky Spirits are many spirits, whose names aren't known to many. They love to light up the sky, making it to day and night. Constantly running in their empire they cause the winds that are felt from the creatures all over the world. They are hard to get upset, but if they are it can be felt through to your bones. The Sky Spirits have all kinds of coats, though while the Spirits of the Day have rather light pelts, the Spirits of the Night have rather dark ones.
Though one cat of the Sky Spirits is known everywhere. His name is Lightning, he is the outcome of the Spirit of Fire mating with one of the Sky Spirits. He is a really energetic fellow and gets into a lot of mischief. If he is doing so you can see him on the sky, shortly after that you can hear the Sky Spirits yelling after him, which is called Thunder by many creatures. His coat is a mix of the flame colored fur of his father and his mothers black and white fur, though the white is nearly not noticeable or so some creatures have told.
The Sky Spirits are also able to take souls of dead creatures into their empire, though they are rather picky.

The Spirit of Fire is a tom you wouldn't want to mess with. He is the pure definition of chaos and doesn't care if he drags innocent souls into it.  He is the guardian of all the evil souls of dead creatures, who weren't deemed nice enough for the other Spirits empires. Which is why he also willingly gives the innocent back to the Earth Spirit after his chaos is finished for the time being. He is a rather large tom with a flame  colored coat. He is described by many as very attractive, though you shouldn't let yourself be lured by his looks.

The Spirit of Illness is a she-cat you should stay as far away from as possible. She is the creator of every illness that lets the creatures suffer, always displaying her favorite one on her own body, because they can't harm her. It is hard to detect her, if she is for example just displaying a cough, though there is one characteristic you will always see, which is her mangy and broken tail and her scratchy harsh voice.

Extra: Through his kittypet and loner life he has a rather different language then the Clan cats. Twolegs are for example furless. The most of the words he uses though he has taken over from the furless and kittypets he lives around.

Shop traits: /
