Cobalt Rat



4 years, 3 months ago


Name: CobaltRat

Godly Aliases: The Tyrant Lord/ The Heart of Conuest

Pronouns: he/him

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Color Rank: Secondary

Color Group: Blue

Allegiance: VantaRat


God of: Tyranny and Conquest

Symbols: A shattered Crown

Sui Generis: Valiant Armour

Description: Able to completely cost his body in plated metallic armour. Enhances his defences and allows him to take more physical damage. Armour makes him look like a knight 

Magic Weapon: Clawed Gauntlets 

Patron Of:

* Name - Gift: Description


Personality: Bratty, Anxious, Desperate for attention, Childish, Naïve, gullible, 


Cobalt rat was once a nobody, a small and weak excuse for a Color god. In his early years he never was able to find or fit in with the other gods. Leading him down a dark path. As a god of conquest he had the innocent wish to become more powerful. This lead him to the serpant. He was tempted by dark power, causing him to become mad with power. His body physically morphing and transforming in to a horrible beast. Causing him to become the Tyrant lord. 

His rampaging and destruction came to a sudden end when he met Xanthic rat. An artifact that the yellow rat had in his powers sapped away his dark power. Returning him to his weak and small form. He is terrified of what he became how ever he still wishes to earn respect and become powerful. He is currently under the care of Vanta rat whomst he sees as his literal mother. Being the first rat he saw when he woke up after the accident. 

Voice Claim: voice from theme song

Theme Song:


Notes: Not even the king of a Mc play pit