🔏 Compass



4 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Commission (Tiny)



Masterlist Entry

Tsurex, Adult, Male (he/him)

Compass is a peaceful, content tsurex who almost always feels sleepy no matter how much rest he got that night. His pleasant disposition and general (very sedated) zest for life seems genuine enough to prove his sleepiness isn't from anything negative, but simply from his carefree approach to all things. That said, he does his best to keep up with his responsibilities (usually) and when it comes right down to it, Compass is a trustworthy, reliable friend who knows the importance of taking it easy, but still taking it. Despite his laid-back nature, Compass has an extremely sharp mind that excels most with numbers and equations, being able to solve most problems in his head shockingly quickly. His relaxed demeanor and mathmatic proficiency make him surprisingly effective at bartering.


Compass's main interest is inventory, ensuring every item in the forge's possession is properly accounted for, in good condition, and in its proper place. He's even gone out of his way to engineer a highly-efficient sorting system that works well no matter how much or little supplies they have. He finds it very much his kind of speed and enjoys the slow, repetitive nature of sorting through supplies and checking off lists.

He's recently also taken it a step further and has become the forge's bartering beb, helping negotiate deals and trades so that both sides walk away happy and ensuring no one gets short-changed. Seriously. Don't try it. He clearly remembers what is and isn't there. He'll know.