


4 years, 2 months ago



she has a pet bumble bee, specifically a Bombus Polaris, named Bubble but she likes to refer to him as the head gardener.

Lisabelles favorite passtime is to go into human houses and collect unwanted junk, buttons fallen behind drawers, coins in between couch cushions and just general nik-naks that the housefolk wont miss, this is also how she usually gets her food. of course she doeasnt always stick to the unwanted junk, if she sees something she likes she'll try to get it but getting into jewlery boxes isnt always easy when you're no bigger than a can of coke and trying your best not to be seen. besides being a little theif her hobbies include gardening and going on small adventures in the nearby woods, she keeps a journal of recent finds and new plants and sometimes she even finds some new friends.

Lisabelle likes to use many different things to put her hair up, sometimes its rope or string but she also uses bread bag clips in all shapes and sizes as well as smaller hairclips, rubber bands, pieces of wire and thin electrical cord, really anything she finds that could be used for putting hair up ^^"