


4 years, 3 months ago


Shut up.
name Kaira
age 18
gender Female
species Grey wolf
height 5.5ft / 168 cm
birthday August 24th
orientation Bisexual

code jiko


Kaira is a sarcastic, quick tempered grey wolf who struggles a lot when it comes to being around new people. I created her around 2018, she's one of the first OCs I've ever created and I'm super attached to her <3.

Reading, black colour, chocolate cake, animals, painting, indie music, cold weather, snow
Being around strangers, people who joke too often, crowds, small places

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Kaira was born in a family that has had many problems with criminal groups. Her parents knew she wouldn't be safe living with them so she lives with her uncles very far from them, in a different country. Kaira isn't good at talking to people and makings friends so she was alone most of the time. She went to self defense and martial arts classes since she was a kid, her uncles thought she may need to defend herself someday.

She was kidnapped when she was 16 by a man from one of the criminal groups that hated her family, they had been looking for her for a long time. She was tortured but after a few days a boy fought with her kidnapper and freed her. That boy worked for her parents and was sent to rescue her, he told her all the truth about her family. Even though she was shocked when she heard everything she decided to fight against the people who wanted to hurt her loved ones, she learned how to use a gun and other weapons. When her uncles discovered this they tried to convince her to not fight them but it didn't work. Kaira wanted to protect her family at all costs.

Design Notes
  • Don't forget to draw the small cut on her left ear!
  • Her hair lenght is the same as the one in her reference sheet, don't draw it shorter or longer than that.
  • Don't draw her without clothes please!
  • She suffers from PTSD
  • She has a great aim when she uses guns
  • She likes wearing comfortable clothes over elegant clothes.

Music Box
She's not a bad kid
but she had to do it