Dmitry Vasiliev



4 years, 3 months ago


absolute hater. He does what he wants because who’s gonna stop some huge fucking skyscraper of a man? One look from his glare and you’re gonna shit yourself. And he’d laugh at you.
Dima has always had drive. He didn’t have parents, and always had to rely on himself. Quickly learned it’s a dog eat dog world. Has he done things he’s not proud of? Yeah. but you do what you have to to survive.

Dima is very quiet and keeps to himself mostly. Only speaks when he has something to say. Which isn’t very often. Only people he is ever courteous to would be elderly, women and children. Courtesy only goes so far though. He also pretends he doesn’t know English pretty often. Nothing is worse than dealing with people

The drawings where he has stripes are for Keskea aus. It’s a fictional continent with many tribes, his wear tiger stripes. Each stripe representative of a deed they have done for the tribe.