Sinaht Immeril



4 years, 2 months ago


original story involved Sinaht and partner's char getting captured by humans. didn't get very far.
notes to self ;;  minorcharsformetokeepinmind. I wanna figure out a name better than "wind clan..."

          Ryfon || top tier warrior class. teaches those in learning, top fighter. highly respected
     among the wind clan elves. close friend to Sinaht's father (who I have yet to name, hurr)
     wind clan king/leader || Esta's father (also have yet to name...)

physical ||  Though elves live hundreds, some thousands, of years, Sinaht is merely  in his low hundreds in age--around 28 in human appearance. He is of average height for an elf, a few inches more than six-foot. He is slender yet sculpted with quite visible muscle; skin is a light oaky brown shade. All elves have four fingers on each hand (in human terms, they lack a pinky) and the same equivalent for their toes.

His eyes are dual colored with his right being an emerald green, left a storm-clouded gray. The pupils of his eyes are vertical slits. He has a scar on his right temple, above the eye. The deep red (like, red-red) locks of his hair falls down over the (his) left side of his face, and his bangs are constantly swept out of the way or pinned if he's to concentrate. The sides beneath the long top layer that reaches to the small of his back are shaven close to the head. His speaking voice is that of a smooth baritone, reaching a spectacular high-tenor when he sings.

His face is adorned with small silver and gem jewelry: His right brow has a bar through it with silver balls on either end above and below the brow. A single clear crystal pinned to the left side of his nose, two silver staples upon the bridge, and a septum ring that has a small diamond set in the center. Two small crystals similar to the nose stud sit under his bottom lip on either side. And lastly, both of his ears contain many rings and crystal gems but in his right ear lobe there is one piece threaded that drops two inches containing violet, clear, and green (the hue of his eye) gems among three delicate silver chains. As for further jewelry, he has merely a single silver ring upon the middle finger of his left hand. The chained gems through his ear and the ring he dons are the only significant pieces he wears. The rest are merely by flippant choice, though one might say the diamond is valuable too if only monitarily. 

Normal clothing for the elf would entertain earth-toned robes as he was the son of a well-esteemed warrior within his clan. Upon capture, however, though he was wearing these robes at the time, they were stripped of him, leaving him only in a puffed brown tunic, laced upon the back partway down and fitted nylon adorning his legs. He was not allowed to keep the heeled boots he wore but surprisingly, the jewelry he wore remained.

behavior ||  The specialty his clan wields magically is the wind, though they have taken it upon themselves to teach other magics to do with the land on which they thrive. His father preferred physical strength over relying on such things though Sinaht took it upon himself to attend classes and learn everything he could that might hold his attentions during his childhood stages (which, some would argue, he was still in) including magic, handcrafted bow + arrows, and sword play. He adores music, the beauty of it drew him from the first moment he could remember. His only talent in that realm is singing; he could never quite get the hang of any instrument. A fast learner in any aspect involving physicality. The bow and arrow is one he's yet to master but he has decent aim given the time.

The brown elf takes pride in his heritage though not in the actions of those in the past in some cases. He would much prefer not to fight if he's  able to wriggle out of it despite his training. He thinks himself peaceful though commonly loses temper if the right nerve is struck. His  curiosity is plentiful and he often has words spilling from his mouth that are better left unsaid in situations good and bad. Other times he  says just the right thing. His tongue has cursed and blessed him, his mother would say.