
4 years, 3 months ago



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Gender NB (They/Them)
Age 27
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Height 5 ft. 8 / ~172 cm
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A bartender at a small place ran by an old friend. They are the crush of many of the patrons, which the owner finds amusing. They are often described as calm and mysterious, and there have been quite a few who come in to lay down their worries and troubles at Ezra's quietly listening ears.

They secretly come from a family of Witches (people in the world of Maylora with an ability considered too dangerous to be allowed to live in public society). They have the ability to bring their many tattoos to life, becoming physicsl entities. Each tattoo's personality is based upon the personality of the artist who made it and Ezra's emotions during the creation.

Extra facts:

-They enjoy studying older tattoo techniques to see if they might work even better than newer ones or how they would affect the creations, which can lead to their few friends kicking down their door to see them holding charcoal and a knife

-They also enjoy gardening (specifically hard to get herbs) and lightly flirting with some of the regulars at the bar

-If he ever got a word tattoo, the words can shift a bit and come into reality, but would be similar to word art on a projector, the words themselves having no weight

- Many of the tattoos like to gather on their arms while they’re working because they enjoy the shaking when a drink is being made, though there are always some around vital points just to be safe

A tiny dragon tattoo can most often be found during the drink making. It’s not particularly detailed or amazing, as it was their first time making a tattoo when they were a teen, so it has the same giddiness n energy as like a teen doing something rather dangerous, but they’re rather strong compared to some of the tattoos made by others because of the pride they had when making the lil dragon

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