


4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Harvester of Corpses from Bones of the Barren Wasteland "Harv"

Tabletop System



Like 35


6ft7 and gangly as hell


Man (He/Him)




The Scavenger Lands, in what is now the Thorns shadowland

Exalt Type





Dogs, booze, those good ol' farm songs like grandpappy used to sing, corpses ("they're nicer folks'n th' living")


Blood (from living people), water and boats, taking risks, himself, city slickers, ghosts ("Ah guess dyin' jus makes some folks bigger bastards.")


A former farmer from the Scavenger Lands who made a terrible choice; after being brutally ambushed by bandits near the conquered city of Thorns, Harvester made a deal with its undead master, the Mask of Winters- life, power, and vengeance would be his for the price of surrendering his mortal name and vowing his loyal service to the Deathlord's great and terrible goals. In his desperation to cling to life, Harv agreed, and, for a short period of time, became one of the The Mask's top necromancers...until a crisis of conscience caused him to flee. Now he's a man on the run- torn between his academic curiosity with the dark arts of the underworld and his overwhelming guilt at what he's allowed himself to become, he drifts from place to place, trying to avoid other agents of the Void while finding places to hunker down and work on his own projects. He's a nervous, paranoid, morose guy, but despite his fascination with death he has little desire to bring harm to the living. What he wants, more than anything, is to return home to his village and his family and his old mortal life, but at the exact same time, no thought scares him more than facing them again.


  • Harv's areas of necromantic expertise are reanimation, necrotech, and esoteric workings; he general avoids dabbling in the summoning or binding of ghosts, as he finds it distasteful.
  • His two biggest projects are rebuilding, dismantling, and re-rebuilding his perpetually-unfinished warstrider, and trying to write a treatise on approaching perpetual motion machines through necrotech.
  • His fear of boats and water is partly superstitious, but also he just plain cannot swim
  • A vegetarian- he spends so much time working with corpses and body parts that meat's lost its appeal; plus, theres no chance you mixed up the labels on your pork meat and your corpse meat if you just help yourself to some kimchi.
  • His hyperfocus on death started at an early age, when he used to collect animal bones from the fields, or study the wings and feathers of dead birds brought in by the farmcats.
  • Like all Abyssals, he's capable of growing vampiric fangs, but he finds them to be a hassle so he doesn't do it often.
  • His older sister, Indri, is also an exalt- a Zenith-caste Solar revolutionary who has been heading the local resistance against Harv's old master. The last time they met when was when she exalted...and he was the loyalist in a warstrider who she faced down to do so. He recognized her but she didn't recognize him, and still hopes to track down the deathknight she scared off the battlefield that day to finish the job.