Juliet Fox



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Juliet Fox









Sexuality + Gender identity

Unlabeled + Pangender


Etty is the bassist and lyricist for Describe The Ruckus.

— Physical Description:
- Very long curly hair that they tie at the back
- Always has a different dramatic eyeliner look
- Rarely has no makeup on
- Mostly wears black and 80s style windbreakers

Etty was approached to join the band due to her confident outward persona, as her energy helped bring the other band members' confidence up. She actually did not know how to play the bass at all at the time, but accepted the offer anyway. They started taking lessons and practiced every night before the band's official first rehearsal. He is still practicing and trying to get better, but her incredible stage charisma can probably hide any flaws she exhibits while playing.

Etty is the most energetic and spunky of the band, and is not a stranger to hyping up those around her. This also makes her the most bubbly member of the band, and is very good at working up the audience at gigs. Etty is particularly popular with other people in the music scene, however majority of people at school would describe her as loud and annoying. They try to not pay attention to it, but it gets to them a lot. This makes Etty very protective of the band members, who all also suffer from bullying. She is extremely talkative, and is extremely good at holding a conversation. He loves cracking jokes, and has a loud distinctive laugh that you'd recognise from across the room. Other members of the band confide in Etty for advice, as he's as good of a listener as he is a talker.

He lives with both her parents, who are barely ever home, as they run a certain sleepaway camp. Etty has three siblings, two brothers and one sister, and is the eldest child. Being the eldest child meant she had to grow up fairly quickly, serving as somewhat of a 'parent' in the house. This contributes to their protective nature.

Extra notes! —
Etty livestreams the band's performances
- He does the other band members' makeup for when they all perform
- Honestly a bimbo (affectionate)