


7 years, 7 months ago



Basic Info

Name: Crinkly

Age: 209

Birthday: November 23

Height: 5'10"

Occupation: Swindler Merchant

Status: nope

"I must say that I'd very like to be in a place where I'm surrounded by gold. Perhaps the mines...?"


+ gold/money

+ having no ties to anyone

+ gullible people

+ flattery (using and receiving)


- sickness

- spending money

- over-emotional people

- noisy people/places

A boy based on the fairy tale: Rumpelstiltskin. He had the power to turn anything he touches to gold, but once long ago traded away half his power to gain immortality. He can now only turn things with a soul into gold (namely humans). He is extremely greedy and stingy, loving money over people. He has taken many occupations over the years, from debt-collector to odd jobs and is currently a peddler of sorts, collecting curiousities and reselling them for many times their original values.

[click for more info]


Selfish | Materialistic | Impersonal | Analytical | Opportunist | Practical | Confident

Crinkly is a generally selfish-minded individual, and acts only for his own interest. He is utterly unwilling to spend time and money on someone other than himself, and if caught in a situation which requires him to spare some gold, he will attempt to simply skirt around the problem instead. He often thinks ahead for himself but disregards others' problems.

Crinkly is very materialistic and has a perpetual greed for wealth. After all, when people come and go, their ideals and expressions fade; only fortune remains tangible. Although Crinkly is greedy and hoards massive amounts of money, he does not envy other people’s wealth or believe that he is rightfully deserving of it; he will not try to prevent anyone else from becoming rich-- as long as their plans don’t directly interfere with his.

Crinkly does not particularly try to delve into people’s businesses, unless, of course, it can immediately profit him. With a rather business-like manner, he tries to stay impartial and logical when interacting with others. He can a bit emotionless or hollow at times, as many years passed since he last truly felt the need to express himself. Crinkly has almost perfected the art of not becoming attached to anyone or anything, money being one of the few exceptions. Human morals and values don’t leave significant impressions on him, but every now and then, Crinkly would find an idea that he finds particularly interesting-- although its meaning becomes lost to him as time goes on.

Crinkly tends to observe others and note little things that may help him later (in a monetary way, of course). He sometimes finds people amusing, and observes them from afar. He uses the information that he gathered for subtle manipulation and logical persuasion.

Crinkly’s miserly tendencies caused him to look at situations in a more practical manner, and he tries to resolve problems quickly and efficiently. He also tends to grasp at the slimmest opportunities if they had a chance of high success.

Since he’s been alive for longer than most humans, Crinkly is quite sure of his skills and believes he could do anything he wants. However, he also tends to overestimate his capabilities and get an inflated ego.


[ TL;DR: Crinkly faced many problems due to his gold abilities, and after he helped the Miller’s daughter turn straw into gold he left to wander the lands, hoping to make a profit. ]

Crinkly was born to an ordinary peasant family, and he had a generally happy life until his seventh birthday, when he discovered that he had the power to turn objects to gold. His parents saw his ability and decided that they could profit from it, so they started a gold-dealing business and became extremely wealthy. However, as they used their son’s ability more and more, they eventually became blind with greed and started to neglect Crinkly. Crinkly started to sneak out of the house to play with other children, but since he couldn’t quite control his power, he accidently turned a girl to gold.

When Crinkly’s parents found out, they were horrified. The people of their village were already suspicious of their fortune, and if the villagers found out that Crinkly had turned a person to gold, they would surely drive him and his family out of town. To save themselves, the boy’s parents secretly handed him over to some passing human traffickers with instructions to never bring Crinkly back to that town.

Crinkly spent years being whisked around and changing hands; he would be kidnapped every time someone found out about his ability, or he would run away, just be captured and brought back to the corrupt people he’d attempted to escape. Some people would treat him kindly at first, but would take advantage of his power. Others would downright exploit Crinkly and look at him as nothing more than a tool for getting gold. He started to slowly grasp onto the idea that gold--money-- ran the world, and that nothing else was as potent or poisonous.

Crinkly finally fled after 4 years, and headed into the forest to make sure he won’t be found. However, he misstepped and tumbled down a steep hill, losing consciousness along the way.

When Crinkly woke up, he found himself near a small farming village with his memories a bit jumbled. He couldn’t remember what he was doing and how he had ended up at that village-- all his memories of gold and his cursed power were murky and buried-- but he remembered his past years of misery, and was glad that he managed to escape.

He was taken in by a kindly old Miller and his beautiful daughter, and he stayed under their care. Crinkly diligently worked alongside the villagers, and was even treated as a son by the Miller. He was happy and accepted, but that contentment lasted only a year.

Gold. One day, Crinkly picked up a bale of straw next to the Miller’s daughter’s spinning wheel and was shocked to see it transform into gold. His foggy memory of his past cleared, and he remembered the last few years that he had wanted to forget. Panicking, Crinkly ran outside to regain his composure.

Unfortunately, the Miller happened to see the pile of gold next to the spinning wheel and ran into town to share the shocking news. One of the King’s soldiers happened to overhear the Miller’s incredible story, and the Miller’s daughter was taken to the royal castle, where she was tried for witchcraft. However, the King, captivated by the Miller’s daughter’s beauty, gave her an ultimatum: turn three rooms full of straw to gold, or be killed.

When Crinkly heard about what had happened, he rushed to the castle. Managing to sneak in, he helped the Miller’s daughter three times, then ran away.

He travelled throughout many lands for a few years, trying to find a new place to settle down. But he couldn’t. There was nowhere that felt “right”.

During his travels, Crinkly steadily became more and more reliant on his ability, and his once-despised power soon became his only comfort.

One day while exploring a so-called “enchanted forest”, Crinkly ran across a small shack hidden deep in the woods. Inside was an old man who called himself a “wizard.” The old man, after observing Crinkly’s power, proposed a deal: “Give me half your power, and I’ll save you from old age.”

Crinkly cautiously agreed. He didn’t believe that this shabby old man had any magic, and he was curious-- if he never aged, then he would have enough time to do anything he wanted…

The “wizard” laughed and disappeared after he struck the deal. Crinkly was mildly disappointed; nothing seemed to have changed… until he tried to turn some pebbles to gold and nothing happened.

A strange sense of panic started to cloud his mind. What had the old man done? Crinkly experimented with various objects, but nothing turned to gold. He was about to give up when a person walked by. He tentatively touched the person, and was relieved to see the familiar golden sheen. But the person had turned to gold. When his initial panic died down, Crinkly was horrified. The “wizard” had handicapped his ability-- he could now only turn living people to gold. Crinkly vowed not to use his power again.

Travelling was much harder without the convenience of gold. Crinkly tried to conserve what gold he had left, but his supply was soon used up. Soon reduced to a starving street-rat, Crinkly became increasingly bitter about his situation. He had so much money at his fingertips, but… He decided not to adhere to his former resolution.

He became a successful businessman. How could he not be successful? After all, he had all the money he could ever want right at his fingertips. Crinkly started a gold-dealing business similar to the one his parents had started so many years ago. If people didn’t pay back a debt, he had an easy way to earn back that money.

It was too easy. Crinkly began to get restless-- time passed, but he didn’t change in appearance. The old man’s magic must have worked.

Soon, Crinkly remembered an old debt-- the Miller’s daughter. It was time to collect.


The Queen didn’t want to give up her child. Crinkly was adamant. Only the child would do to repay the debt she owed him, but…

After hearing the Queen’s heartfelt pleads, Crinkly felt a small shred of sympathy for the first time in years. He decided that he would give her a rare opportunity, for old time’s sake. Three days to guess his name.

The Queen couldn’t remember his name. But it didn’t matter. Crinkly wasn’t going to take her child; he simply could not seem to bring himself to. So when the Queen listed out the last name, an ugly name of “Rumpelstiltskin,” Crinkly assumed that name and left.


  • If the history was not already long enough, here's his full backstory: The Story of a Loser
  • His real name is Nathaël Mathis Eres. Who knows why he goes by his stupid alias.
  • his gold powers don’t work on anything except for living people, but he hates turning people to gold, since it’s “messy” and “too much trouble”, but in reality, he he hates it because of his past.
  • He also has magic gloves that keep him from any accidents. Whoops
  • has a reaaaaaally slow healing rate cuz of his agelessness. What takes a normal person a week to heal takes him a month
  • Secretly kept the Miller's daughter's necklace and ring, even though it's not worth much