


7 years, 7 months ago



Basic Info

Name: Fujiwara Sen

Age: 22

Birthday: January 18

Height: 5'7"

Occupation: Tea Sommelier

Status: single

"Would you like some green tea...? It goes well with pound cake."


+ reading

+ tea

+ his friends

+ warm foods


- being cold

- being left out

- bugs

- when others are not serious when he is

A socially awkward boy who lives for tea. A bit quiet, and grew up learning about tea from his father. He had trouble forming tight bonds to others until he found a group of friends in his late childhood. As a mediocre student, his only passion was tea and he travelled around for a few years after graduating highschool, became a certified tea-sommelier and is now settled at a certain cafe.

[click for more info]


[ Prepared | Loyal | Responsible | Patient | Honest | Self-conscious | Reserved | Conventional | Escapist | Judgemental | Oversensitive | Hesitant ]

Sen likes to be prepared and tends to make plans for his day, everyday. Although he doesn’t stress over every detail, he feels nervous without having at least a loose grip on his schedule and having some control over his actions. Sen is able to diverge from his plans, but any large or sudden changes tend to make him a bit cranky or nervous. He enjoys being able to predict events and take appropriate action, though he might be too self-conscious to do so. Sen dislikes standing out as he often worries about himself committing a faux pas, but his self-consciousness helps him be able to stay collected. However, due to his self-consciousness, Sen has difficulties saying all that’s on his mind and showing what he’s feeling. He forces himself to be reserved to not draw attention, but often regrets not fully displaying his emotions to close friends and family. Even though he might hide his expressions, Sen tries his best at being honest with his words; he dislikes lying and is quite bad at it.

Sen is responsible enough to take care of his work (and others’ too) and prides himself on his organizational skills. While he doesn’t dislike being in charge, Sen prefers to leave it to someone else, not willing to take action unless he knows he has full permission. In fact, Sen tends to falter at any kind of decision, often choosing nothing in the end. His hesitancy-- sometimes to the point of cowardice-- is a sore point for him, and he dislikes it being pointed out or otherwise mentioned.

Sen tends to view things through a very narrow perspective, and judges people who don’t fit in quite so well. As he makes conclusions about other people, his judgement is also a double-edged sword and only adds to his inconfidence when he weighs himself against his ideals. However, instead of facing his faults, Sen buries them and lashes out at others when they try to unearth his flaws.

He is also quite loyal and is not willing to quickly abandon something, whether it be a person, project or even an ideal. Sen wants to be able to stand up for someone at all times, yet finds it hard to; he is frequently conflicted between his own views and what he deems is the “correct” perspective.


Sen grew up as an only child, his family consisting of his father; his mother, too, but only for the first few years of his childhood. His father, a community-renowned Japanese Tea Ceremony master, spent most of his time obsessing over his work. Sen’s mother, an ordinary office woman, grew tired of her husband’s virtual lack of commitment to the marriage and thus left before Sen entered elementary school.

Sen didn’t quite mind not having a mother, however, and spent his days sneaking into his father’s room to watch him work. Sen looked up to his father, and wanted to become just like his role model when he grew up. He started to take an interest in teas and spent half his time bugging his father to teach him about teas and the other half looking at pictures of leaves in various tea books left around the house. And so his childhood was spent. Sen ended up following his dad everywhere and at all times-- at least until school started.

Since Sen grew up mostly inside the house, he didn’t have much contact with other children who spent their time playing outside. However, once he entered elementary school, a whole new world was introduced to him. Sen’s world that had only comprised of his father, had expanded; going to school for the first time showed him that there were actual people his age that he could interact with. He immersed himself in trying to talk to everyone and befriend them.

As Sen was generally good-natured and curious, he was able to get to know many people. He made many acquaintances-- many, but no close friends. In class, Sen kept to himself and was often left out of groups; during breaks he would wander around and chat with others, but ultimately end up sitting alone. His situation made him a bit lonely, but he was too afraid to pipe up and ask to be included, as he believed that his peers wouldn’t welcome someone out of their inner circle.

So his school life continued as normal… until an unexpected project in his later years of elementary school forced him into a group with 5 other people… The group Sen was in made him nervous. Could they get along…? It was a mess at first, but eventually, everyone in the group became tight as brothers.

Sen was extremely happy that he finally had close friends, and was relieved to see their friendship last all throughout middle school and into high school. However, things started getting a bit tense after Hotaru left and came back from visiting his family overseas. Soon afterward, Tamato’s mother passed away, and everyone was shocked and hurt.


Sen graduated soon afterwards, and was sorry to have to leave his friends behind to pursue his dream of educating himself in the art of tea. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to follow his father's career as a Tea Ceremony Master, but since Sen had a good sense of taste and smell, he decided to become a tea sommelier.

For the next 4 years, Sen travelled around and worked odd jobs in cafes and restaurants to gain money and experience to take a tea master course, as well as studying tea by himself. When he was 22 years old, Sen came back to Japan and was surprised that Tamato was planning on opening a cafe in memory of his mother. Sen was worried about his friend’s state when Ai had died but he now saw that Tamato was trying to follow up on his mother’s dream. Grateful that he could help, Sen decided to join.


  • as one of the few ocs that has a voice claim, here: he probably sounds like this
  • takes care of his nose and mouth (for work but also he hates being sick)
  • has a pet goldfish named dingdong
  • likes calligraphy, but his normal handwriting is terrible
  • surprisingly good with horror
  • has a bit of cooking knowledge from when he used to work at other cafes
  • knows a bit of conversational english