
4 years, 1 month ago


If you hide under the covers, you might never see the day

Key Info

Name Assam Miranda
Age 46 yo
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Height 232cm - [7'6"]
Build Scrawny
Hair Dark Brown
Eyes Vibrant Green
Sexuality Demisexual
Occupation Leerie - Cleric
Zodiac ≈ Taurus


dedicated composed sympathetic secretive cowardly

Once a mere lamplighter from a coastal town, Assam took upon a venture that would change his life... Now following a discarded legacy that was meant even for his father before him, he travels with the Crescent Caste. Though their adventures take them to places ever-more-terrible, Assam has come to cherish the group as his family, and considers their new residence - a cliffside keep by the name of Iket Arrndun - his home...

Trying to establish himself as a sort of mediator in the group, Assam rarely wishes harm upon another when such acts could be avoided. He tries his best to offer up advice to the group, even with his limited life-experience, but most of the time gets left underfoot. Ever-loyal to his principles, Assam considers his hometown's 'criminal' underbelly another of his priorities. Any act to help keep his benefactor afloat is a risk he's willing to take...

Nowadays, however, things have somewhat settled, and Assam tends to stick to the Keep - providing food and water to the small village that has sprouted at the foot of their new home. With magic, and the ways of the All-Mother, things'll certainly work out fine.


  • ✦ Cooking & Spices
  • ✦ Candle-Making
  • ✦ Gardening, Animals


  • ✦ Homecooked Meals
  • ✦ Travelling, Warmth
  • ✦ Helping People
  • ✦ His Party-Members
  • ✦ Platinum ♡


  • ✦ Violence, Arguments
  • ✦ Magical Mishaps
  • ✦ Blatant Disregard
  • ✦ Authority
  • ✦ Betrayal, Emotions...


Season Late Summer, Early Autumn
Time of Day Just Before Dawn
Scents Lamp Oil and Iron, Old Coins
Sounds Footsteps, Gentle Fire
Plants Coltsfoot, Waybread
Motifs God Rays, Candle Snuffers


  • ✦ Has a red ring around both irises - indicating that he made a deal with an ancient cosmic entity in exchange for protecting his friends.
  • ✦ Got his fingers crushed and mauled but due to the afformentioned deal they're now made of unliving foreign substance known only as 'warp'.
  • ✦ Was a part of a 'mafia' in his hometown, and accidentally caused a communist revolution and remembered none of it the day after.