Tash Fernieler



4 years, 3 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Tash Ferneiler

Pronunciation: Tash Fern-eye-leer





Race: Voidfallen Kau

Species: Illiven

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Height: 7'2

Distinguishing features: Voidshattered left arm and head. Usually kept covered

Current residence: 

Current home: 

Occupation: Guitar/bassist for Stareyes and the Big Blue Sky

Relationship status: Single (His hands are cold and need a nice man to hold them)

Social status: Admired for what he seems to be

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: 

Language: Standard

Other languages known: 

Style of speaking: Doesn't. When he does, his voice is rough and quiet from disuse, and sharper sounds are softened by his underbite.

.: Personality :.

A withdrawn, nerdy man. Dead silent to anyone he doesn't know but quietly outspoken with his friends. Speaks more through music than he ever can with words.

Likes: Music, his friends, good food, jackets, guys, being included, quiet hangouts

Dislikes: Feeling crowded, homophobes, the Court of Trifalla, strangers, being talked over or ignored

Hobbies/past times: Writing music, cooking, tabletop games

Guilty pleasures: History! Big history nerd.

Pet peeves: People grabbing him without asking, especially the paparrazi.

Personal goals: Be able to just live without hiding who he is or any part of his identity

Religious values: Profoundly athiest

General intelligence: Average smarts in most places. Has the equivalent of a GED.

General sociability: Shy, but friendly enough if you know how to talk to him or are already friends with him.

.: Relationships :.

Cuprum Fernieler- Father. Largely absent, doing nothing but working for Tash's early life.
Azote Fernieler- Mother. Emotionally neglectful, distant, and overworked.
Beau Fernieler- Oldest brother. Homophobic, sexist, entitled shitbag who bullied Tash nonstop.
Cora Fernieler- Oldest sister. Genuinely caring but a spineless coward who couldn't stand up for him.
7 other unnamed siblings

The Court of Trifalla- The overarching bad guy in his life. The source of the torment he underwent as a kid and the primary threat to him and his friends nowadays.

Terpsichore Mrazya- Tash's best friend, and the lead singer of their band
Salen Harmon- Another of Tash's friends. Brings him down to earth when he needs it.
Eijyo Mallow- Keyboard player in Stareyes. A close friend who really understands his feelings about the Court.

Love interest
Garrison Tetra (future)- A cute, friendly sweetheart who's completely captured Tash's affection.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Shaky aim, a strong arm, and void magic.

Peaceful or violent? Pacifistic almost to a fault.

Weapon(s) of choice: Whatever happens to be in his hands. Usually his bass.

.: Abilities :.

-Void Magic-
Tash is afflicted with Vlakase magic. He's Cold.

.: Fears :.

Fear of self

.: Health :.

Tash had a rough upbringing. Abusive parents, homophobes, racists, and his affliction with void all heavily weigh on his mind.

Tash has some intense depression. He's better now but in the past he sunk really, really far.

Tash is a hot mess. Always nervous and afraid, usually that he's going to hurt someone.

-Former Addict-
Though clean now, Tash used to have a heavy dependency on drugs. In modern times he won't say no to something like a drink or an edible, but he keeps a tight leash on how much he has.

.: History :.

Warning for racism, homophobia, abuse, and addiction.

Tash is the middle child of middle children- kid #5 out of a total of 10. His early life was lacking, mostly being cared for by his sister. His mother was forced to be a stay-at-home parent to take care of them while their father was absent, working to support his family. They didn't have many possessions, so he didn't even have any toys to occupy himself with. They only had the essentials. Living on such a central court planet their city had a high population of Loyalists. Whenever their house was found out by them, they'd move the same night.

School was rough, as Tash was a shy, nerdy kid. And an Illiven, making him a prime target for the Loyalist kids. He was bullied constantly with almost no friends, his oldest brother even joining in. Again, with the Loyalists, the parents joined in too. He was prevented from joining any clubs or extra activities between his own parents and the Loyalists, even band. He would have given anything to be in band. Even if he could join though...there was no way he could afford an instrument.

In middle school he was attacked by a group of loyalist parents while walking home. One threw a brick at him, thankfully knocking him out. He woke up at home in bed in excruciating pain, having been beaten within inches of his life. But there was nothing to do but give him painkillers and send him home. Making every moment away from home an anxiety-inducing nightmare. Between this, the bullying worsening, and starting to realize he was gay...he dropped out of highschool. Unable to take the pressure of failing and the torment of his bullies.



.: Other Details :.