


4 years, 3 months ago


Name: Landin Stone (Just call him Dove as he feels Landin is too fancy of a name for him)
Age: 30
Height: 5'6
Family: Aunt and Uncle (His parents passed away in a car accident.)
Job: Family Doctor and surgeon
Religious: Yes (And No, It's complicated)
Likes: Bread, fish, sweets(Mostly cinnamon rolls), collection postcards, puzzles, reading, painting, fluffy things, learning new things in medicine, and helping other people.
Dislikes: Dark chocolate, fighting, heights, being alone with his thoughts, big crowds, and liars.
Childhood: Dove was born to loving parents and can only vaguely remember them since in a disastrous car crash, Dove was in the backseat and lost his memory. He had blacked out only remembering hearing the words, "Black wings" from his mother. A whole year passed and Dove can't remember a single thing that happened when he woke up he was in a hospital. The doctors say they had found him on the highway 10 meters from the car. How was that possible? He was in the backseat the entire time... had someone moved him? Soon realizing it was a year later, nothing made sense and Dove still wonders what happened. Even the police say the car had only recently crashed two days ago before Dove awoke. Nothing made sense, it was as if time stopped for him but everything else moved forward. At his parents funeral Dove was taken in by his aunt and uncle who were very religious and made Dove attend Sunday school and read his bible every night. He was given a cross for his 10th birthday 3 years after his parents died and he wore every day. It wasn't because he liked it, it was almost a symbol for him. It was meant to be this way. It kept him grounded in a sense. Dove begged to be put through medical school if he promised to become a pastor for the church to please his Aunt and Uncle. It was also a forced toxic implantation he owed them something for raising him. Even though he still can't talk about what else was happening in his home. Dove graduated at the top of his class in high school and a year early from all the other seniors. He went to college and graduated within 6 years of medical school. He was an exception to become an intern at a small hospital in his town before becoming a full fledge doctor and surgeon at age 24. He was so happy in those times of being a doctor but when he returned home it was the hell he wanted to escape more than ever.