


4 years, 3 months ago





Stage Name:Lavela Angelle

RS:Taken (Denzel) 


Weight:96 lbs

Personality:Assertive, supportive, blunt, caring, easily aggravated but overall kind and thoughtful. 


Likes:Kiwis, his job, fashion, pumps, dogs, smoothies, warm days, sweets. 

Dislikes:Storms, objectficaton, alcohol, country music. 

Fun facts:

-Lesolett has a Yorkie named Jack

-Lesolett is a foodie, he works off all the calories

-has a big sweet tooth, BIG ONE. 

-lesolett has had many toxic boyfriends in the past, he's slow to trust(but quick to love once it happens) 

-Has a tendency to live by "guilty until proven innocent" doctrine

-Has a bigger sister who is a fashion designer 

-does not drink coffee

-got drunk once and hated it, steers clear of alcohol. 

-acts like he looks down upon Hideki for his habits, but he's just worried for his best friend. He means well. 

-He's secretly a bit jealous of Hideki because of all of the opportunities for boyfriends he throws away when his luck is so bad. 


Lesolett was born to a well off middle-class family, but only one of his parents were able to raise him. His mother unfortunately passed away durng childirth, an unfortunate circumstances which would plague him for his entire childhood into his teens. His father was hadly home, working hard to sustain his little boy and young daughter, Yuki, but extremely devoted to his children and always aiming for his children to live comfortably and contently. Although this wasn't exactly the case, as the young Yuki, about 9 years older than her brother, resented him greatly for the passing of her mother that she was extremely close to. Yuki would bully her brother constantly, making it painfully known that he was the cause for their mother's death, the world would have been better with him because she would still be there, etc. Because of this, Lesolett grew up to be extremely insecure, finding little comfort in anything and trying to shy away from any possible spotlight that could ever exist. He wore big, thick glasses, and overly baggy clothes as if he were trying to drown himself in them. This, of course, led to him becoming an outcast and not fitting in with most people his age. AS a result, it made his insecurity worse and inevitably spiralled into a depression. At the age of 17, he packed up his things and left home, despite his sister already having left, never looking back, leading his sister and father to think that something had happened to him. After which, he looked for work, though found himself unhappy for the rest of that year, no single position bringing him any happiness and only proving to him further that he was doing nothing of worth with his life. At age 18, Lesolett stumbled upon a loud establishment on his way home from work. It was late and dark outside, but the flashing lights and sound of booming music lured him further in. With only a few paces forward, he made his way in, only to be met with the sight of dancing bodies as far as the eye could see... And...

Naked... Nearly naked... People... Women.. Men... Dancing on... Hm? His face reddened as he quickly tried to turn back, though found himself shoved this way and that by the crowd and dragged further in until he was sitting alone at a stool by a bar. He furrowed his brow and looked around, sighing softly as he realized what a mistake this was.

A mellow voice with a thick Russian accent called out to him over the music.

"You don't look like the typical customer here..!"

Lesolett loked over, suddenly met by the sight of a young brunette ferret, likely around his age, raising an eyebrow back at him with a little smirk.

"How did you get in here, you look young.

Lesolett parted his lips, murmuring back at him softly.

"I-I just.. Walked in.. Over.. Over there..."

He pointed a finger and the ferret followed it, chuckling under his breath as he shook his head.

"They still haven't sealed that back entrance... Tsk, someone is going to get sued sometime soon." The ferret leaned his chin on his hands and peered up at the cat, his tail giving a flick as he narrowed his eyes playfully. "How old...?"

Lesolett cleared his throat before mumbling. "8... 18.."

The ferret clucked his tongue and winked. "Old enough." He perked up at this and squinted at him, grabbing hold of Lesolett's chin before turning him around. "MM... But you're very pretty... Very very..." His finger trailed down his neck as Lesolett shuddred, pulling away before the ferret crossed his arms. "How would you like to work with me?"

Lesolett's lips parted, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. "I'm not allowed to drink."

The ferret laughed and waved a hand. "Not the bar, you silly, the STRIPPING PART! " The ferret motioned to the dancers up top and grinned back at him. "I'll teach you all about it.."

Lesolett felt his heart drop as he gasped, his whole body becoming hot now ashe retorted. "I CAN'T DO THAT!"

"Oh anyone can. Don't you want to feel alive, hm? My name is Hideki. Hideki Sebedev."

"I'm Lesolett, but sh--"

"Good we're acquainted, come along then! I'll show you around!"


"That my dear lesolett, is half the fun!"

The ferret said gleefully as he hurried off with the feline in tow.

And despite initially objections, a beautiful friendship formed between the two... Er... ALbeit... A bit questionable. But... Close enough.