Hanesawa Yanagi



4 years, 6 months ago



NICKNAME: Hana, occasionally
GENDER: Trans female
AGE: 28 [08/12]
TALENT: Mortician
HEIGHT: 5'10"

A normal girl leading a normal life. There's nothing much special about Hanesawa, and almost nobody would notice her in a crowd or on the street. Perfect. That's exactly how she'd like it. Hanesawa wants nothing more than to live a perfectly mundane life, to keep her head down and do her work until she rots. There's no harm in such a life, despite what others' flights of fancy may have you believe.


Hanesawa is a mundane and unassuming woman with no patience for the flashy things or people in life. They're tiring, and she's already tired enough as is. She's rather unremarkable- many wouldn't look at her twice, and there's not much to see anyways. Just friendly enough to be polite, but not so friendly that she'll stick around for longer than she's needed. Hanesawa seems to carry the true neutral of demeanors, and whatever sides she may have under there, it's not like she'll show them.

She does, however, make for a good mirror- showing hints of character through picking up on a person's contagious attitude. These changes are often pretty subdued, a small smile in response to a ray of actual sunshine entering the room. As well, these behaviors may often contradict each other-- though, she's not submissive or a yes-man. Hanesawa knows how to stand her ground, knows how to balance what she needs with being likable enough to get there. She can prove in tense situations to be a bit judgmental, looking down on certain antics that she considers herself above. She has a high image of herself, though she’s no braggart. The type of person who knows her value and knows what she wants.


  • Mystery novels
  • Spiced matcha
  • Lizards
  • Eating sounds
  • Too-bright lights
  • Psychics

  • Has a paper-bag cover on every book she owns
  • Has a pet dog named Pani
  • Can and will eat an entire box of masi samoa in one sitting
  • Is a smoker, trying to break the habit
Design Notes

  • Shirt reads "shrimp whisperer"
  • Hair varies in length; sections longer than shoulder-length pulled into a braid
  • May sometimes be pictured with her shirt, tie, and blazer properly worn, usually when working
  • Outfits can vary, usually in swapping out the shirt, undershirt, and tie
  • Hair almost covers left eye
  • Should have a pair of loafers, but the dog must have run off with one of them. It's not like anyone will see her feet, anyways.


Hanesawa Yanagi is a young woman living in Zentsūji, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. She currently works as the funeral director and manager of Zentsūji Yanagi Funeral Home, a family business founded by her grandfather over sixty years ago. Hanesawa has been with the business for ten years, following her mother's retirement. However, it's known among locals that she's never really lived separate from the business- growing up building reading nooks in unused coffins and working for her parents throughout her teen years. This has also given Hanesawa something of an odd reputation, though she doesn't concern herself with such things. Her clients don't care, and that's what's important.

Despite being thrust into the role of funeral director shortly after turning 18, Hanesawa has proven the home to be in capable hands. Though they were by no means struggling, she's perhaps brought even more success to the business- earning them a steady increase in both sales and customer satisfaction, and some local headlines to boot. They're regarded within Kanagawa Prefecture for their skillful handling of a handful of local celebrities and politicians, claiming to stop at nothing for a client's wants. Hanesawa has proven herself time and time again to be entirely devoted to her business, little return as it may give her - a skill which those few who pick her out of a crowd might appreciate.


Keiko Yanagi Mother

A kind woman, who means well. Hanesawa isn't the closest with her mother, but they still have a good relationship. Keiko is her mother, and she loves her as such. She taught Hanesawa much of what keeps her sane, if indirectly.

Hanesawa's father, a bit nicer than her mother, though that's not to say her mother was unkind. At the very least, he had more of a presence, through having an easier work environment for a young child to learn from. A kind man.

Takumi Yanagi Mat. Grandfather

Hanesawa's long-gone grandfather, who died when she was five. She's accepted his death, and there's no point in thinking further on it. He was a kind man, perhaps the only one who could understand the kid.

Masumi Ando Coworker

An average coworker- not much to note about them. They make for decent company, however, and seem to enjoy sitting silently with Hanesawa in the lunchroom. She might consider them an acquaintance.