


4 years, 3 months ago



Pronouns they/their/them

Allegiance ???

Species Runerigus

Theme -

A lesser demon entity, Siin seems to be a strange case, as they experience haunting pains of regret after they commit atrocities. As if they are trying to resist the grasp of the madness, they constantly fight with themselves and may cry or run away in shame if they catch themselves in acts of violence. Their path seems to cross on occasion with the God Hunters, who have tried reaching out in an attempt to help them. Sadly, the encounters usually end in skirmishes, with Siin retreating into some dimensional rift to escape them.

In actuality, Siin is an artificial demon, made deep in the underground labs of an abandoned, rogue world, where a number of experiments were housed. One of these projects attempted to make anti-demon super soldiers by injecting people with demon blood and subjecting them to other torturous methods, all in the name of one day "saving" humanity. Puppet organizations that fed the project rose up across a network of worlds, acquiring the technology, money, and support needed to keep it going. Countless settlements were pillaged and children kidnapped and trafficked in this vein, and the vast majority never survived past the initial stages of testing.

Siin was No. 115. The first "successful" experiment, and the first to survive out of the bunch. But it quickly became apparent that they were not only unbalanced, but much stronger than anticipated, and thus they overpowered their captors and escaped the facility. Confused, and afraid, they slaughtered all in their wake until they destabilized space enough to tear a small Rift and leave the world. Safety measures in the labs were bolstered in the aftermath, and the project launched for a second phase, its leaders determined to learn from the "success" of N.115 to one day make controllable demon soldiers and amass an army.

To this day, very few people survive the turning process, and those that do still have trouble controlling the demonic urges that have been superimposed upon their bodies. Pandora is one such example, who was created in a later batch and fitted with binding agents to keep his powers in check--he was also lucky enough to make an escape after he was deployed on a demon-killing mission, which further prompted additional "safety" and containment measures. Those made after are kept permanently in their chains.

Siin had no memory of who they were or what their life was like before they were taken to the labs. The God Hunters have determined over several encounters that they seem to strike out and destroy things out of fear and lack of understanding of their enviornment, rather than an actual desire to harm people. But they were never able to catch Siin or ever really verify why they seemed so different from other demon entities.

Once Midnight learned of this through Dagger, she chased down Siin and took them under her wing, using her dark magic and own knowledge of the demons to keep their power in check. She vowed to help Siin learn to regain control of themself and their memories, and takes care of them as her own child.

Favored moves: Brutal Swing, Haze, Shadow Claw, Disable, Slam, Revenge, Payback, Hex, Phantom Force, Nasty Plot, Will-O-Wisp, Scary Face, Curse.


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