Christelle Laine



Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: July 1st 

Height: 4’ 12”

Merform Height: 7’ 8”

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: Purple

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Professional Ballerina

Loves: Ballet Dancing, Elegant designs

Hates: A ruined tutu, spoiled lunch

    Christelle is a mermaid living in Aquinous, though originally growing up in one of the neighbouring villages. She was able to live in the kingdom thanks to a remarriage her mother had when she was pretty young. She became interested in the art of ballet ever since she saw a ballet of The Nutcracker being performed by other mermaid ballerinas. She was in awe by their dance and movement that she wanted to be like them.

Her father allowed her to take classes, but it was tough for her, and it was hard to become as flexible as the ones she admired were. But she never gave up and she kept getting better. Going from a regular student, to a B+ student, to one of the best of her class by the end. Now, graduated and experience under her belt, she goes to whatever place is hiring for ballet dancers, even helping out with teaching some of them as well.