


4 years, 1 month ago



Name Cogsinker
Other names Llyr, Lord's Fist
Species Goliath
Gender Man
Pronoun He/him
Orientation Bisexual

Age 25
Birth Month Misuthar
Height 6'9"
Build Jacked

Class Barbarian
Primal Path Storm Herald
Background Gladiator
Occupation Pirate

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Relation to Tiny Tuffs Friend

Colour Palette

Reference Sheet (TBD)








Character Traits

  • Personality Traits: Himbo, Brazen
  • Ideal: Freedom
  • Bonds: Valka's Crew, Tiny Tuffs
  • Flaws: Pouty, Arrogant


A stormborn goliath who used to participate in an illegal fighting tournament under the name 'The Tempest Prince.' He was Hermes' unofficial rival until he vanished one day. Turns out, he was in an abusive situation with his sponsor Nostoc Greyspine, and had escaped to the coast. There he joined Captain Valka's pirate band until Nostoc's mercenaries sank their ship and captured most of the crew. After a Geas spell was cast on him, Cogsinker was forced to return to Kraghammer to face Nostoc's judgement. He ran into the Tiny Tuffs on the way, and made the world's worst first impression with all of them. Thanks to Chrys' inquisitiveness however, the Tiny Tuffs discovered his situation, and Hermes (eventually) recognized him as his rival. Despite Cogsinker being eventually brain blasted and brainwashed, the Tiny Tuffs worked to rescue him, beating him and kidnapping him at the Brawler's League and uncovering a psionic conspiracy along the way. Though Cogsinker was pretty cold to begin with, he's become a lot more friendly now that he's free. Chrys and Hermes love to harass him endlessly.


After Cogsinker stepped on and mocked Hermes after defeating him, Hermes vowed to kick his ass one day, and a rivalry was born. Though Cogsinker had been rather dismissive to Hermes in the past, after the air genasi helped free him from Nostoc's clutches, Cogsinker finds himself actually acknowledging the fact he has respect for his rival. He enjoys sparring with Hermes, and after seeing what his rival is capable of on the battlfield has no intention of falling behind.


Chrys loves to throw shade at Cogsinker, and he'll throw it right back. Their interactions tend to stay sassy, but there have been moments where Cogsinker can't help but admire the young girl's bold personality and her skill with a dagger. He's definitely keeping her to her word that together they'll take on the Brawler's League as a team one day.


When Cogsinker was trying to find his way after fleeing from Nostoc, he wasn't expecting to be grabbed off the docks by a wild woman who just 'really needed someone buff to lift these crates'. He learned later that said crates were, at the time, filled with stolen goods and treasure. Though her love is tough, Captain Valka gave Cogsinker a new start in the world, and taught him how to work with a crew, something he sorely needed to be taught after his years of fighting for only himself. He owes her a great deal, and also some money she lent him during their last visit to port, which he knows she'll still remember. Cogsinker is determined to find her since she went missing after Nostoc sunk her ship.