
4 years, 2 months ago




Full Name Amir Shawk
Gender Male
Age 12
Species Alien


He's very sweet and innocent. He doesn't know a whole lot about the world around him, and sometimes curiosity gets the better of him for him to go out and discover stuff. He's very energetic, and will often talk or just go at a million miles an hour. This also can cause him to be a bit reckless, often forgetting to exercise caution, and needing to be pulled out of rough situations he gets himself into. He also doesn't do the best in social situations, from not having much all his life, but he is trying his best. He tries to be happy all the time though, as he feels it could be a real danger if he isn't.


Back on Amir's home planet, he was abandoned at a pretty early age, because there was something strange and different about him. Luckily for him, someone found him and was willing to take him in. Though this was anything but a great home to him. He was never allowed to go outside, and never really interacted with his caretaker a whole lot, as they did not really care about him much, and also didn't want to activate his "special ability." Most of what he learned about his home planet and of about Earth is what he read in books at his house, and even picked up English through that way.

Eventually, he was found out, the rulers of his planet found out about him,and confronted his caretaker about him. They questioned his caretaker, asking if he knew about it. The caretaker exposed Amir and lied, saying Amir had been hiding away without their knowledge. Leaving the poor kid with a feeling of betrayal. Then the rulers decided for the safety of everyone else, to put him on a pod, intending to send him to an uninhabited planet. Instead, the pod went off course, and crash landed on Earth, where he luckily survived the fall.

After Crashing on Earth, he was found by a young man named Harvey. Harvey took him in and nursed him back to health. Afterwards, Harvey allowed Amir to stay with him, and Amir took him up on that offer, having no where to go on a strange planet where his language for there is very broken. As time passes, Amir found himself being more curious about the outside world, and wanted to explore more of it, eventually meeting Sydni who helped him learn more about this strange planet that was much different from his own.


Birthday:March 29
Weight:38 lbs
Alignment:Lawful Good
RO/SO:Doesn't care yet

  • Reading
  • Astronomy
  • Exploring


Emotion Powers

Amir has a special ability that most of his species doesn't have. He's got the ability to manipulate emotions a small bit. Though he can't control this very well and it usually puts an influence towards his current emotion. Things around him also get affected through his emotions through him not being able to control his powers well. Good things tend to happen when he's happy or in a positive mood, and bad things can happen if he's in a negative mood. With time and practice, he could learn to control these powers, and not have things around him influenced as much. This ability is considered very dangerous among his species, and usually those with it are killed or banished.







[ Father Figure ] Once Amir had crash landed on planet Earth, Harvey was the first one to find him. He tended to the kids wounds and nursed him to health. He even allowed Amir to stay with him. Amir got attached to him pretty quickly, and saw him as like a father figure, with Harvey taking care of the guy and teaching him about the world. Amir seems to bring out the heart in Harvey, having him be more gentle to the kid than he is to other people. (character belongs to ElisDead)



[ Mother Figure ] Sydni was sort of friends with Harvey, and through him, had met Amir. Amir and Sydni got along well fairly quickly, with Amir really enjoying her cheerful and energetic nature. Sydni offered to watch Amir for Harvey whenever he was busy, and through that way, the two got close, with Amir seeing Sydni more like a mother figure, and he's happy to go to her if he ever has a problem, and she's happy to help.