


4 years, 2 months ago




she/her // Adult

mint chocolate chip ice cream


Full Name: Samantha
Nickname(s): Sammy, Mint
Species: Glasae (Northern)
Height: ???
Relationship Status: ???
Occupation: ???
Friends: ???
Playlist: (wip)


  • acting, dancing, singing
  • being on stage
  • ???
  • ???


  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???



General Description

Glasae is a semi-open species by Anozilla

Samantha is a young actress in a theater. She's very confident, outgoing, rather bold... and loves being the center of attention. She's kind of a perfectionist who speaks her mind a little too freely, most of the time. Singing, dancing and acting are her biggest passions, and she loves being up on stage and pulling off a convincing performance. and once she has her eyes set on a goal, she'll persue it relentlessly.
Drama clubs and theater performances have always been her thing. She feels incredibly comfortable being up on stage - it’s like a home to her, and she deeply cares about everything regarding the theater.
She always wants every performance to go perfect - but, on the off chance that mistakes happen, they will stay on her mind for way longer than she’d like to admit. She does her best to avoid repeating them, because deep down, her biggest fear is being at fault for ruining an otherwise wonderful performance. She couldn’t bear to carry the weight of that knowledge. Even though she’d never show that to her fellow actors, that thought occupies her mind before every big performance.
But as soon as she steps on that stage, her brain goes blank and all of her worries are gone.

Relationships to other Characters

Rowan regularly assists Samantha's theater group by building and painting props and scenery pieces. Samantha and him started off on the wrong foot due to some misunderstandings and miscommunications, but they both eventually came around to liking the other. Sam doesn't call him 'weirdo' anymore, and Rowan now refrains from calling her a 'stuck-up bitch'. Samantha still likes calling him 'Skully' to annoy him, but it's not mean-spirited. They're friends now, albeit not the closest.

Species Traits + Design

[common] food filling (mint chocolate chip ice cream) - [common] two-colored orb - [common] furred arm joints - [common] floating fingers

Fashion Sense

comfy but cute

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