Hyzenthlay Absil



4 years, 2 months ago


- 27 years (sep 19)
- mixed white/arab
- ambiguously french
- transmasc agender; bisexual mlm

he/him, it/its, they/them

hyzenthlay grew up wealthy. his family owns a very successful jewelry brand, and he was supposed to take over as the owner once his parents retired. he ended up embezzling them and fucking off to live in colorado with one of his cats. his parents are controlling, and the family business is guilty of a lot of human rights abuses that he didn't want to be part of. these days he makes a living as a psychic and freelance writer, under a fake last name so he can't be connected to his relatives. he gives his folks shit in the papers.

great-great-granddaddy absil made a deal with a god, oneiros, and the blessing he got turned out to be hereditary - every firstborn in his direct line of descent is born with the power of prophecy. that includes hyzenthlay! he sees the future in his dreams! he's learned to somewhat control the topic of his visions, but they're still mostly involuntary. he... doesn't sleep that well; his brain never gets enough rest.

about three years after it stopped talking to its parents, hyzenthlay got a call - something about a civilian investigation, the woman on the other end said; she thought, given the content of some of its writings, it might be interested in helping. it was frankly a little pissed - you put your real name in the papers one time and people start calling you about it - but it agreed to an interview with white rabbit blackwell. hyzenthlay really didn't know as much as aida or white rabbit had hoped, but it still managed to point them in the right direction; it wasn't particularly close to its aunt, by any means, but it did remember her keeping unusual company before it left home.