


4 years, 2 months ago


Species Human
Occupation Manager
Age 30
Gender Male

Background Hoodlum
Alignment Neutral Good
Desire Honesty
Fear Ex Boss

personality traits
He enjoys being the boss and ordering people while maintaining a tough exterior, but deep inside he's kindhearted and compassionate.
He's skilled with guns and in melee combat and has vast fighting experience.
flaws Impulsive, irritable, materialistic.
ideals He wishes to leave his old life of crime behind and live a life he can be proud of.
bonds Despite having many acquaintances he made few meaningful connections.
Sy had a rough start in life and, truth be told, it did not get much better for many years. His earliest memories are those he formed in an orphanage. He did not know what happened to his parents, only that he was found alone on the streets one nights and brought to the institution. It was located in a slum and since his earliest days he had to learn how to take care of himself to survive on the mean streets of Soshite.

During one of regular brawls between his crew and some hoodlums from the other part of town, he was scouted by an elegant looking lady. She offered him a well-paid job and a chance to leave the orphanage. With nothing holding him back and no hopes for the future, it was easy for him to make a decision. He joined the lowest rank of the Adventurer’s Agency. His life didn’t change as much as he expected it to - he travelled to different towns, but his daily routine stayed very much alike. His job was to play a petty criminal, a stupid guard or a similar role so that then he could be defeated by a group of adventurer’s to satisfy their need of heroism and accomplishment. Deceiving people to make money bothered him, but the job paid well enough to make him forget about it.

After a couple of years he was even promoted to the role of a manager. For the first time he had a desk job and his role wasn’t to fight the customers, but to help them find challenges appropriate to their experience. That included sending them out to fight fake criminals, the way he once was, but also real monsters terrorising the lands.

His life changed significantly for the better, but it didn’t last long. Due to a quarrel with his boss and accidentally destroying one of the buildings belonging to the AA, he had to quit and flee. He found new home with the group of adventurers that accompanied him during the incident. This would be the real turning point in his life that would let him truly live rather than just survive.