Land's Hallowed Arbiter



4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Land’s Hallowed Arbiter, the out of control agricultural menace. LHA is like a sentient tractor that’s gained a sense of “adventure”. Created with the intent of being a massive agricultural site that is constantly under favorable conditions--he once followed easily-predictable winds and seasons by moving with them.

He is kept mobile by four flexible, dexterous legs and one central “can” body that does not tilt under any circumstance. LHA can barely be considered an iterator. His body size has been mostly reduced in favor of hosting very wide automated fields, thus very little of his internal processes are dedicated to “iterating”. Nobody expected him to come up with a solution, and he never did. Instead, he focused more of his power on time, soil quality, and migration patterns. It is in these facts that LHA truly proves to be more of an offshoot of the species’ design patterns than a viable iterator himself.

Abandoned without a second thought, it took LHA hundreds of years to begin to “defect” from his original pre-calculated migration route, most likely due to a developed problem in his artificial intelligence. In the present day, LHA is an extremely dangerous force of the old world that flattens ruins and lays waste to entire communities of creatures lost in the barrens he claims his dominion over. He does not follow a strict, harmless pattern any longer, moving unpredictably over virtually any expanse he sets his mind to, and so, the land fears his judgement. Ironic, considering he was only named for how he’d shake the ground when he walks. 

Being so hard-set on wandering freely, LHA rarely pays much attention to what overgrows his farm arrays anymore. However, he cannot truly rid himself of his origin--his fields are so deeply rooted into his being that one of his functions enables him to alter the properties of the soil in certain tracts using controlled hormonal changes.

An old lake was included as part of his migration route in order to provide him with a water source, which he collects through intake systems in each of his legs. However, perhaps in an act of complete ignorance, he’s decided to use said lake as a junk pool and cluttered it with various spoils he’s ruined and gathered. Grossly, he still drinks from it.

LHA has a connection to OWM. Most of his components were individually manufactured in her bioengineering facilities before being assembled, and part of his genome takes samples from hers. However, it is unclear where exactly they share similar traits besides a few enormously menial similarities. One can only hope that one of them is not the accidental predisposition to break and permanently leak synthesized chemicals into one's own water.

LHA, like his "mother", possesses the uncanny ability to catch spears in the air.


LHA does not achieve ascension, most likely due to his ill-equipping. Thousands of years into the future from his present condition, LHA's stability systems eventually fail and he topples downward onto the wasteland he lorded over with a catastrophic impact. He dies there, unable to reboot his systems, waiting silently until the void sea rises up to reclaim him.


LHA's puppet is based off Belafu's human form in coloration. Additionally, the design of his can was partially inspired from a certain scrapped Divine Beast concept for BoTW.