


4 years, 3 months ago



Name: Haruna

Date of Birth: Oct. 17 (2019)

Age: Child (7-8). This depends on the story though. At some point, I will be focusing on stories when she's older.

Species: Dracomare

Occupation: N/A. She's a kid!

Personality: Chipper ☘ Momma's girl ☘ A dreamer ☘ A studier ☘ Giggly ☘ Bubbly ☘ A glutton ☘ Fascinated by botany ☘ Is happy to meet you!

Story: Orphaned as an egg, Haruna never knew her parents. During one of Dipper's outings, he came across her egg by itself. He waited to see if anyone would come back for it. When no one came, he carried the egg and asked around. Alas, it had no parents to be returned to. So he brought it back to his Observatory at the Nutty Noon Castle. It was here that the egg was adopted by an injured Star Warrior that had been in recovery in his infirmary.

As a child, Haruna and her mother still live at Nutty Noon as residents of the castle. Living high up in the clouds, life In the castle is all she's known. She is untainted by the wars and horrors of the world outside of Dipper's domain. Regardless of being a Dracomare, she's as pure as any Draco could be!

Her mother, being a skilled and seasoned soldier, prays that she only ever knows peace and togetherness. As things are, Haruna is as happy as can be without a care!


  • As much as she loves meat, she also loves fruit and vegetables! Her favorite fruit is apples. Even more so if they are caramel apples! Don't have any out around her. She will steal them. For this reason, she often smells like apples. If you have trouble finding her, you can most likely find her at Dipper's orchard hiding in his Apple Trees.
  • She loves story time and will almost always stop to hear a story! If you happen to be a seasoned adventurer, you can almost always guarantee that she will follow you anywhere asking for stories!

  • She's a very huge dreamer and loves to use her imagination! When she stares out the window of the castle overlooking Planet Popstar below, she often imagines stories and adventures. She loves to imagine herself with a pair of white feathery wings flying through the clouds. One of her biggest dreams is to be able to fly!