Vetise "Velour" Tselao



Basic Info

Name Meaning:

Vetise: From 'Covetise'; Covetousness || Tselao: From 'Phokoje go tsela o dithetsenya'; Tswana riddle meaning 'Only the muddy fox lives'

Alias[es] / Preferred Name[s]:



11.5 Solar Sweeps / ~24 Years




Asexual Demiromantic



Blood Colour:

Teal-Blue cusp



Symbol Meaning:



Kitsune (MIA, presumed dead)

Strife Specibus:

halberdKind, scytheKind


Famous fashion designer, Vlogger / Social media personality, Con artist


Lives in a penthouse apartment in Block 136



♥ n/a || ♦ Jameth "Jamie" Abnale || ♠ n/a

Known to everyone as Velour, Vetise is a famous fashion designer and vlogger hailing from Block 136. On camera he's a calm and charismatic individual, but in private he's a nervous wreck whose greed tends to control him. He's obsessed with money and fame, and will do anything to achieve both, no matter how underhanded or outright malicious. He's very obsessive when it comes to planning, with all of his videos and interviews being scripted and re-shot multiple times so he can always leave the best impression on his audience. He loves hearing about other people's drama, but doesn't like to start it. Has done many things in the past that he's regretted, and tends to find himself caught up in thinking about what could have been far too often.


  • Money, being rich
  • Fame, having a good reputation
  • Fashion design
  • Weapon collecting (Loves flashy and intricate weapons that serve no combat purpose)
  • Dolls
  • Gambling

Misc. Information:

  • His voiceclaim is Matt Mercer / Azama from Fire Emblem Fates.
  • He's been going by the name Velour since he was young, and never gives out his real name to anyone. The only people who know his name is his childhood friends (and Dismas, after Liiore sold out Velour's personal information to him), as he paid a large sum to get his name removed from even his Fleet records. He likes the attention he gets from people constantly trying to guess his name.
  • He has Generalised Anxiety Disorder, but he keeps it secret from the public. He struggles to cope with spontaneous events, and refuses to take interviews unless all the questions are provided to him beforehand so he can take time to prepare all of his answers.
  • He also gets anxious at the thought of becoming poor, so he does everything to try and get out of paying for things. He's not above cheating people out of money in order to ease his worries. He's horrendously frugal in most cases.
  • This anxiety is what drove him to destroying his relationship with both Mikiel and Liiore by pushing them to doing things they did not want to do so he could profit off them.
  • His right shoulder was badly injured after fighting with Mikiel, who lost control of his psiionics and froze it. It has mostly healed, but Velour cannot move it too much without feeling pain. He also tore out a chunk of Velour's hair, which has grown back white ever since.
  • While his falling out with Liiore was more of a mutual understanding that they should no longer see each other, the whole debacle was Velour's biggest regret and he would do anything to mend his relationship with him, even though he knows that he doesn't deserve it.
  • Liiore was Velour's first and only romantic crush.
  • The sash he wears as a belt is a remnant from Liiore's old Ocean Star outfit, only dyed a different colour at the ends.
  • Along with his anxiety, his desire to be famous and appear wealthy also stems from his blood being on the cusp between being considered either a midblood or a highblood. He wants to be a part of highblood society, but often gets dismissed as his blood is bordering on teal.
  • His fashion brand, Velveteen Vanities, is famous particularly for its catering to both highblood and lowblood trends. However, they are still fairly pricey.
  • He also makes accessories for lowbloods which have psiionic dampening / negating abilities in the form of special fabrics.
  • His Vlogging channel with the same name is one of the most popular channels on Youtube. He mostly talks about random #relatable things, but also has a weekly mailbag, a series dedicated to performing popular challenges, and a series where he films the various arguments his neighbours have. He rarely collaborates with other Youtubers due to their unpredictability, but will do it so long as their entire scripts are carefully planned out first. Collabs with Aiolos occasionally.
  • His channel's popularity allowed him to profit off his viewers by letting them send requests for him to do for money. He had a few limits (such as he won't do anything illegal / morally corrupt, anything of a sexual nature, or initiate a legitimate relationship with someone), but the prices increased dramatically depending on the act. The most popular request was to go on fake dates with fans. He no longer offers this service after an incident with a fan almost ruined his reputation.
  • He obsessively keeps track of every single interaction and transaction between his fans in order to avoid legal trouble by providing proof if anyone were to try and damage his reputation.
  • He always tries to come up with backup plans when it comes to dealing with people, but he often ends up overwhelming himself from the stress and finding it too difficult to act in the most dire situations.
  • He uses his fame to run a store that sells charms and other 'quirky' objects that supposedly bring good luck and good vibes to others, as well as books filled with photoshopped photos with positive sayings stuck on them. Everything is stupidly overpriced and a huge scam, but he still manages to take advantage of gullible people and those desperate for something he's made without any suspicion.
  • If asked, he wouldn't say that the online store is a scam, since if people truly believe his trinkets really do bring good luck, then they're definitely worth something in their eyes.
  • His fans have created an 'evil' version of him known as Develour, who is often depicted in fanart and fanfictions. Velour fully embraces the alter ego and has dressed up as him for videos.
  • As much as he tries to refrain from spending money, fancy weapons and ball-jointed dolls are his biggest vice. He tends to buy them on impulse and then feels bad about it for weeks on end.
  • He's commissioned artists in the ball-jointed doll + Monster High / Ever After High 'face-up' community for custom dolls before. While he lacks the skills to make his own custom face-ups (and is unwilling to spend money on all the tools in case he ruins a perfectly fine doll), he does make doll clothes from time to time.
  • He's a fan of gambling and going to casinos, but only plays if he's certain that he's going to profit. He swears by the martingale betting system, and bows out as soon as he makes a profit.
  • He's taken classes on survival skills and cooking (among other things) on the off-chance he gets invited to participate on a celebrity reality TV series, as he doesn't want to embarrass himself or ruin is reputation.
  • He doesn't drink at events, but rather fetches drinks for other people so they can get drunk and he'll pocket all their spare change.
  • His lusus disappeared when he was young, so he has no memory of him and only recently discovered what kind of animal he was. His friend's tanuki lusus also decided to adopt him after finding out he was abandoned at a young age.
  • He has a bit of a sassy streak around those he's particularly close to, which isn't many.
  • He loves to make clothes for his loved ones and dress them up in his own outfits. He usually makes practical clothing such as scarves, jackets, or pants, because he knows that they'll be more likely to be worn often rather than a fancy suit or dress.
  • He loves alliteration, particularly with words starting with V. It saddens him that his full name isn't alliterative.